If you have a body, you are an athlete. #justdoit

“To dream big requires courage.” – @iremyamany ⠀ Imagine loving your sport so much that you go a decade without winning a tournament and still don’t quit. Then, one day, you win. And then you win again. And again. And again. That’s how Turkish Taekwondo fighter Irem Yaman finally earned the nickname #Goldhunter. During one of her training days, she shared how those years of sacrifice and loss weren’t always easy. But they were worth it. See Irem’s full story on @nike IGTV #justdoit

“It’s in women’s nature to be strong.” – @yasemin.adar ⠀ Before Turkish wrestling champion Yasemin Adar became the best, people had more to say about her looks and her lifestyle than her talent on the mat. But she kept practicing. Kept working. Kept winning. At the National Wrestling Club in Istanbul, she shared what she wants for the future of her sport, and showed what true power looks like. See Yasemin’s full story on @nike IGTV #justdoit

3107 Pico Boulevard. ⠀ It was here that Nike’s original crazy dream came to life. Under the title “Blue Ribbon Sports,” a runner named Jeff Johnson stopped selling shoes out of the back of his van and started meeting athletes in our first storefront. ⠀ Johnson’s job was simple. Take orders, give advice, and always listen to the athlete. It didn’t matter if they were chasing a PR, a state title, or a world record. The doors were open for any and all as they fought for crazy dreams of their own. ⠀ This week, we continue that tradition. More than 50-years later, we’re back at the same address with the same mission: To serve runners. ⠀ One of those runners is 14-year-old Los Angeles native @sp3ncer.young. Her crazy dream? To take gold, almost ten years from today, in her own backyard. ⠀ ? on for her story. #justdoit

“We live in a time where everything should be possible, but you have to fight for change.” – @zeina.boxer ⠀ German boxer Zeina Nassar didn’t start out looking to change the rules, but when she saw that women like her weren’t allowed to wear hijabs while competing, she made it her mission to do exactly that. Now, she’s fighting to change the rules internationally, so all women can experience the power of sport. See Zeina’s full story on @nike IGTV #justdoit

“I don’t wanna be just some other boxer with a good story. I want to be known as a great boxer.” – @somaliboxer ⠀ A lot can be said about British boxing champion Ramla Ali’s past, but it doesn’t define her. In an old local’s gym in East London, she shared what challenged her yesterday, what inspires her today, and what she’s fighting for tomorrow. ⠀ See Ramla’s full story on @nike IGTV #justdoit

“It’s my walk to the ring alone and it’s my fight to fight alone.” ⠀ 14 years ago, Ghanian-born @boxingbuatsi came to the UK with a crazy dream. This Saturday, it’s on him to keep fighting for it. #justdoit

“My dad sacrificed his dream, so I could live mine.” @kyrieirving#justdoit ⠀ ? on.

“I want my legacy to be universal.” @michaelbjordan’s dreams are bigger than the big screen. #justdoit #creed2

Don’t just dream of a place on the podium. Dream of a place in history. #justdoit

Don’t chase records. Chase history. #justdoit

“People once told me that I couldn’t be a wrestler because I’m a woman.” World Championship finalist @yasemin.adar keeps doing what she was told she couldn’t. #justdoit

Just a small-town kid with big-city dreams. #justdoit

You don’t need two legs to dream. #justdoit See @alwaystri’s story on our IGTV.

Dreams don’t have an expiration date. #justdoit

Never stop chasing your crazy dreams. #justdoit

“My father used to tell me that the real dreamer is the one who dreams about the impossible.” #justdoit

Yesterday, 2:01:39 seemed crazy. Today, it’s the marathon world record. #justdoit

Don’t just be the fastest marathon runner in the world. Be the fastest in history. #justdoit@kipchogeeliud ⠀ Follow @nikerunning to watch Eliud and other runners take on their crazy dreams.

“My crazy dream is to lose 500 pounds.” See @thatbigguy700’sstory on our IGTV. #justdoit

“Who would ever think a kid like me would go pro? Me.” @shaquem_griffin ⠀ If you have only one hand, don’t just watch football, play it. In the starting lineup. #justdoit

Don’t ask if your dreams are crazy. Ask if they’re crazy enough. #justdoit ⠀ ?: Sound on Full film at link in bio.

It’s only a crazy dream until you do it. #justdoit @serenawilliams ?: Sound on

You can take the superhero out of her costume, but you can never take away her superpowers. #justdoit

A Star is born. @k.mbappe#JustDoIt

No love lost. The greatest athlete ever is the mother of all inspiration. @serenawilliams#justdoit

Unstoppable belief. #JustDoIt

20 years in the making. Believe. #JustDoIt

Always believe in your game @neymarjr ??? #JustDoIt

@k.mbappe believes there’s a number on your back, and it’s not your age. #JustDoIt

Again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. ⠀ A historic 11 majors on clay, and counting. @rafaelnadal#nike #justdoit

Self belief makes believers. ⠀@simonahalep fearlessly captures her first major title on the clay in Paris. #nike #justdoit

A champion never settles for one. @kevindurant #justdoit #nbafinals