DESIGNATED SURVIVOR Season 1 flashback scene w/ @malikyobaWho remembers? Tell me tho….. Who wore it better? ? #hedid

Oh, it’s international giraffe day? Well then let me post this #fbf of me and my boyfriend Kiko who is a MUCH younger man then I normally commit to. But look at him… how could you not? @sheldricktrust doesn’t only take in orphaned elephants but all wildlife who need a second chance. #davidsheldrickwildlifetrust#kenya ♥️

“We must take a multifaceted approach in the fight to save and protect those who cannot protect themselves” said Maggie Q, an actress and animal activist known for her work in both television and film. “Having worked with organizations in the field, I understand how invaluable the lever of government can be to those hands-on efforts. Social Compassion in Legislation transforms the public’s passion and turns it into life-saving laws; tools needed by those on the ground. I’m proud to join the SCIL team and look forward to our continued work in Sacramento.” I’m READY. Let’s fight. ??@socialcompassion

Thank you @1hotels for your commitment to sustainability. If you don’t know about these hotels, you should. They are walking the talk! Recycled building materials, Mini chalkboards by the beds for notes, NO SINGLE USE PLASTIC in the entire room, water taps with refillable bottles- you name it, they are doing it. It’s so exciting to see business leaders putting this into practice in a real way. ?♥️ #1hotels @dereksyuen@sashaborax
Los Angeles, California

Holy binge watching! Since now you KNOW…. I want to thank everyone who has stuck with Hannah throughout her journey on @designatedsurvivor It has been such a pleasure to take this character on, and in leaving her behind, I have only incredible memories of a cast and crew who I love with my whole heart. But my GREATEST thanks goes to @davidguggenheim our shows creator. It was his vision and dedication that won me, and I am forever grateful to him. ♥️ What to do next?! ?

In debt to you @gregkadelstudiosfor your friendship, kindness and undying support for so many years. You are the GREATEST. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥️….. #qeepup #comingsoon@dereksyuen @hectorsimancas@rodneyburns @mandisch@churchboutique
The Bahamas

Earth day is EVERYDAY with @4ocean ? If you aren’t already aware of the incredible vision of two men with a passion for our Oceans, you need to check them out and support their vitally important work! Their desire to be apart of the solution is awe inspiring!!!! ♥️ #earthday #4Ocean#beachcleanup #qeepup
Rockaway Beach, 95 Street

On this WORLD OCEANS DAY ?….. think about one thing you can do to contribute to Marine Mammal Protection!! Did you know that eating Tuna contributes to the death of Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Whales, Sharks and Sea Lions? By-catch from commercial fishing nets catch about 30 percent of unintended victims. Join me today and give up something you know hurts the ocean and please let me know what that is! I’m always searching for new ideas!!! ☮️♥️?????@bluespherefoundation@shawnheinrichs I look forward to more ocean conservation adventures with you soon…. #yesthatsme

TODAY @designatedsurvivor is BACK on @Netflix. Thanks for waiting for our return guys! You’ve been incredibly patient! A whole new world of surprises in store! Happy Season Premiere Day! ?

TONIGHT @designatedsurvivor is BACK on @Netflix.

@designatedsurvivor is BACK in 4 DAYS on @netflix …..@kiefersutherland @kalpenn@adancanto @italiaricci Congrats lovelies….

You know what? They do exist. #soulmate HAPPY BIRTHDAY my loving and beautiful friend. You are EVERYTHING!!!!!! I’m so blessed I get this life with you…. ♥️ @rodneyburns @churchboutique

EOD with my Asians @storyofmailife @dereksyuen@activatedyou

It fits in the clutch, it’s going with me ?@casamigos ? ?❤️ #houseoffriends #geminirising

La F.A.M.I.L.I.A ♥️??

First of all- yes, it’s a big number??♀️ Second…. my niece wants to be like me because dogs love me. That’s the BEST reason to want to be like someone- EVER ? ?❤️??♀️#geminirising

Four Oh. SURROUNDED by love ❤️ ? #GeminiRising

Flea Market cat nap ?

I blow in their ears to get them to kiss me. It works with my dogs…..but not so much with Wolves. ? #wolfdogrescue

I WORSHIP this planet. And every precious creature in it. #EarthDayEveryDay ❤️?