?? Bruce Lee DJ Collection is now fully stocked —> link in bio or www.Shop.BruceLee.Com Thank you for your patience ???? . .#BruceLee #DJCollection#Expression #Simplicity#Directness #Freedom #Quality

??? “Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” . . . #BruceLee#AdversityHelpsUsGrow#TodayTheRainIsGoingOnStrong#ButTomorrowBabyTheSunWillComeOutAgain#AlwaysBeYourself #ExpressYourself#HaveFaithInYourself#TheIndividualOverAnyEstablishedStyleOrSystem#JeetKuneDo #JKD

Happy Father’s Day! .#BruceLee #FathersDay

?? . #BruceLee #TheDragon#BelieveInYourself #JeetKuneDo #JKD#theindividualoveranyestablishedstyleorsystem#AlwaysBeYourself #ExpressYourself#HaveFaithInYourself #Real #Inspiration#Motivation

?The Big Boss ?? . #BruceLee#TheDragon #MartialArtist#ArtistOfLife #TheBigBoss#JeetKuneDo #JKD

? The Dragon v ?The Greatest: What If? . ??? Lee v Ali tees by @rootsoffight are back in stock! Go to www.Shop.BruceLee.Com or use link in bio. . #BruceLee#MuhammadAli #WhatIf#TheDragon #TheGreatest#RootsOfFight . Music by @holy_beats

??New Be Water Gear (swipe
) at www.Shop.BruceLee.Com or use link in bio . Bruce Lee believed in the honest expression of each unique human being. To honestly express oneself, Bruce believed that one must be like water – adaptable, flowing, always changing and growing and never becoming fixed in one style or one way. It applies to all aspects of life. ? Be Water, My Friend. . #BruceLee #BeWater #Adapt#TheIndividualOverAnyEstablishedStyleOrSystem#HonestSelfExpression#WeAreInAConstantStateOfLearning#FindYourWayThroughTheCracks #JeetKuneDo#JKD #Quality #BruceLeeFamilyStore

????From The Bruce Lee Archive Post #26: This week in the Archive we look at Bruce’s influential writing “Commentaries on the Martial Way”. We start off with a simple picture of Bruce working out with his friend Ted Wong at home in Los Angeles. This photo helps to ground Bruce’s monumental writings in his steady and practical approach to fitness. Here are a few selections of the original handwritten manuscript which took a practical approach to martial art wisdoms through specific strategy and bold ideas forming his overall philosophy. We can browse through issues vision, awareness, timing, footwork, and of course, simplicity. Each of these ideas acted as bricks in the wall of Bruce’s mastery of the martial arts. #Brucelee #BruceLeeArchive#TBT #MartialArtist#NonClassical #JeetKuneDo #JKD#CommentariesOnTheMartialWay#SifuTedWong #Research#Innovation #HardWork

? This Bruce Lee tattoo by @inalbersekov is ???. Thank you for posting @tatdaddyclothing.. #BruceLee #TheDragon #Tattoo#Artistry #TheLegacyLivesOn#MartialArtist #JeetKuneDo #JKD#ArtistOfLife #TatLife #Inspiration

“Art is the way to the essence of human life. The aim of art is not the one-sided promotion of spirit, soul and senses, but the opening of all human capacities – thought, feeling, will – to the life rhythm of the world of nature.” Being an artist of life does not mean that you have to be an artist in the traditional sense. Join us as we dive into how Bruce Lee was an Artist of Life with our next episode in our podcast series on Self-Actualization + The Individual. https://brucelee.com/podcast-blog/2017/5/31/48-art-of-soul #BruceLee #BruceLeePodcast#Unity #SelfActualization

??? “Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.” -Bruce Lee . #BruceLee#TheDragon #NeverGiveUp#LaserLikeFocus #Determination#SoundMind #JeetKuneDo#StagesOfCultivation#BelieveInYourself #Inspiration . Music by @holy_beats

? The Dragon & The Captain. Excerpt from a recent interview Kareem gave with BZFilm: “‘Bruce and I were good friends from my days at UCLA. I’d already been studying aikido in New York and wanted to continue my martial arts studies while in L.A., so someone recommended I check out Bruce’s studio,’ Kareem admitted that at first he was ‘reluctant’ because he was already studying a Japanese style, ‘and Bruce was Chinese. But it turned out that his particular style, which he called Jeet Kune Do, cared less about traditional styles than it did about the results,’ Abdul-Jabbar said. ‘Bruce created a jambalaya of martial arts, adding and discarding moves that were less effective.’ ‘His fighting philosophy was to move less, but when you did, to strike explosively and efficiently. Turned out that was similar to what John Wooden was teaching us on the court about being prepared and committed. The skyhook is the embodiment of an efficient shot that requires minimal movement but sudden speed,’ the legendary NBA center explained. Abdul-Jabbar added that Bruce Lee was a personal inspiration to him. ‘His focus and athleticism, which you can clearly see in his films, was unparalleled,’ Abdul-Jabbar said. ‘Working out with him made me want to work harder.’ He added that the lessons Bruce Lee taught about efficient movement for maximum results is a pretty good philosophy with most things in life.” . #BruceLee#KareemAbdulJabbar#TheDragon #TheCaptain#CloseFriends #Inspiration#MartialArtist #NBA#JeetKuneDo #Simplicity#Directness #Freedom

??Bruce Lee Pins (swipe left) are now available in the BL Family Store —> use link in bio or www.Shop.BruceLee.Com. Pins were one of the most requested items in the store while we were renovating. FigPin, Pintrill, Mondo and Rockin Pins are all now in stock. Enjoy! . #BruceLee#BruceLeePins#CommunityRequested #PinLife#Quality #LittleDragon#CoreSymbol #NunchakuSkillz#Pintrill #FigPin #RockinPins#Mondo

?? “We should devote ourselves to being self-sufficient and must not depend upon the external ratings by others for our happiness.” ? Bruce Lee . #BruceLee #LittleDragon#SelfActualizationOverSelfImageActualization#MartialArtist#AllKnowledgeUltimatelyMeansSelfKnowledge#JeetKuneDo #JKD#TheIndividualOverAnyEstaishedStyleOrSystem#SeekFreedomFromTheConformityOfStyles

??The Dragon . #BruceLee#LittleDragon #MartialArtist#ArtistOfLife #JeetKuneDo #JKD#SelfActualization #BeYourself#ExpressYourself#HaveFaithInYourself

What a week for Shannon! @tedtalk in NYC about Bruce Lee’s philosophy & way of life: how we can all apply it to our lives + @apple event in DC with @yomyomfofficial discussing Warrior and more. . #BruceLee#ShannonLee #TheLegacy#MartialArtist #Philosopher#Teacher #Real #JeetKuneDo#JKD #Inspiration #ArtistOfLife#WarriorMAX

Bruce Lee created his core symbol – a yin yang with arrows and Chinese characters, which translated to English mean “Using no way as way; having no limitation as limitation” – to represent his way of life, the way he believed he should lead his life. He put it up in his schools, he put it on his stationary & business cards and he had a medallion made, which he wore around his neck (swipe left). We endeavored to find an artist/jeweler who would create the highest quality replicas that we could offer to you. Each medallion is hand made. It is also available in gold. Enjoy! We hope the medallion inspires you “To always be yourself, to express yourself and to have faith in yourself.” Go to www.shop.BruceLee.com or use link in bio. .#BruceLee #CoreSymbol #UsingNoWayAsWay#HavingNoLimitationAsLimitation #Quality#Inspiration #JeetKuneDo #JKD#TheIndividualOverAnyEstablishedStyleOrSystem#Simplicity #Directness #Freedom

??Wataaaah! ???The weekend is here. Enjoy it! .#BruceLee #Passion #Expression#TheWeekend #FridayFeeling#HardWork #Balance #TheDragon#JeetKuneDo #JKD #MartialArtist#ArtistOfLife #Freedom

?????? “It’s time to settle the score.” SEASON FINALE of Warrior drops tonight at 10 PM on @cinemax ??? .#BruceLee #WarriorMAX#BasedOnTheWritingsOfBruceLee#Season1Finale#RiseUpFromTheAshes#ItsTimeToSettleTheScore

? Bruce Lee opened his first martial arts school in Seattle (1962). He named it Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute (Bruce Lee’s Gung Fu Institute as Lee Jun Fan is Bruce’s Chinese name). Our good friends at @rootsoffight have designed this awesome hoodie as an homage to Bruce, his schools and his martial way, which would become know as Jeet Kune Do in 1967. Swipe
and Enjoy! Link in bio or go to www.Shop.BruceLee.Com .#BruceLee #LeeJunFan#JunFanGungFuInstitute#JeetKuneDo #JKD #MartialArts#RootsOfFight#BruceLeeFamilyStore #Quality#Inspiration

?? DC Peeps! Hope you can join us! #Repost @yomyomfofficial・・・ If you’re in Washington, D.C. on June 7 from 5:30-7PM, join us at the @Apple Carnegie Library for “The Family Legacy of Bruce Lee with Shannon Lee”. #YOMYOMF’s Philip Chung will moderate a discussion with Shannon about her father’s legacy and the new @Cinemax series #Warrior based on @BruceLee’swritings. The event is free but to rsvp and more info, go here: https://apple.co/2EmBdBr #AppleCarnegieLibrary#ShannonLee #BruceLee#WarriorMAX #AsianAmerican#Apple

?? The Dragon . #BruceLee #TheDragon#JeetKuneDo #JKD #MartialArtist #ArtistOfLife#TheWayOfTheInterceptingFist #Inspiration#HonestSelfExpression#TheIndividualOverAnyEstablishedStyleOrSystem

???Custom Bruce Lee x Converse Chuck Taylors (classics & high tops – swipe left) by @theavelosangeles are available now —> www.Shop.BruceLee.Com or use link in bio ???? .#BruceLee #Converse#ChuckTaylors#TheAveLosAngeles#CustomShoes #Expression#SneakerGameStrong #Skate#MartialArtist #ArtistOfLife#ShoeAddict#ArtworkByMiltonWong#BruceLeeFamilyStore

?? “The Root is the fulcrum on which will rest the expression of your soul. The Root is the starting point of all natural manifestation. It cannot be when the root is neglected that what should spring from it will be well ordered.” The Root was an important concept to Bruce Lee and he wrote about it extensively. Bruce believed that the Root is a core part of the journey of the individual and self-actualization. But what is the Root? Join us for this week’s episode in our Podcast Series on Self-Actualization and the Individual, “#31 The Root.” You can listen at BruceLee.com/Podcast, scroll down to our earlier episodes! The episode is also linked in today’s instagram story. Listen, subscribe, and download on iTunes. #BruceLee #BruceLeePodcast #Unity#SelfActualization #JeetKuneDo #JKD#SelfActualizationOverSelfImageActualization#BeReal #BelieveInYourself

?? “It is not a shame to be knocked down by other people. The important thing to ask is: why am I being knocked down?” -Bruce Lee ??? . #BruceLee#HonestSelfExpression #BeReal . Music by @holy_beats

Bruce Lee Nunchaku are in the Bruce Lee Family Store! Link in bio or www.Shop.BruceLee.Com .#BruceLee #TrainingNunchaku#MaybeWearAHelmet#BruceLeeFamilyStore#NunchakuSkillz

?Be water, my friend ? . #BruceLee #Adapt#Adjust #FindYouWayThroughTheCrack#TheIndividualOverAnyEstablishedStyleOrSystem#MartialArtist #ArtistOfLife #TheDragon

? The Dragon by@xinhoilpaintings . #BruceLee#CommunityArt #Portrait

?? Parents! There are a few spots left for Camp Bruce Lee in Los Angeles July 29-August 2nd (Seattle is full), including some scholarships. Link in bio to register & for more information. .#CampBruceLee #BruceLee


?????? Warrior Episode 9 is here and there’s so much at stake!!! Ah Sahm or Li Yong, who ya’ got? ??? . Episode 9 airs TONIGHT at 10PM on @cinemax . #BruceLee#WarriorMAX #AhSahm #LiYong#SoMuchAtStake #Chinatown#BasedOnTheWritingsOfBruceLee

???? From the Bruce Lee Archive Post #25: Here are a couple early pictures looking at Bruce’s rebel style in 1950s-early 1960s (swipe
). Bruce’s fashion was on point as usual, with his letterman jacket, shades, and motorcycle boots. Bruce was a noted fan of James Dean, and these are some of the original photographs he had pinned up as a youth. (The note on the back is per Linda.) Also included are few books on this period in classic Hollywood from Bruce’s own library. Also note the last image of Bruce at home in Seattle, holding a recently released Elvis record, “Blue Hawaii” from 1961. #Brucelee#BruceLeeArchive #TBT