For the past two years as the Honorary Ambassador for Riding for the Disabled HK(RDA) there have been many memorable moments. Like seeing the improvement of Isabella’s endurance and connection with her pony Charlie and the full therapeutic objectives that have been acheived. But honestly…the joy in her eyes as she rides tops it all ?. Another significant impact therapeutic riding has, is not just the affect it has for the kids…but the affect it has for the parents and caregivers that stand behind them. The delight in their eyes as they see their children smile, the high fives of achievement, the ease the parents feel as they know their kids are in good hands with the RDA team. I’m all for finding self love within ourselves…but the love that you feel when your child is happy and fulfilled is another dimension. We’ve grown and learnt so much from the past two years and I’m honored to continue my role as Ambassador for the RDA for the next two years. Please come alongside with me in supporting RDA… you can volunteer with us and walk alongside the kids and ponies (training will be offered, no experience needed) and/or you can also make a donation! Both will make an impact because RDA offers therapeutic riding FREE for the kids and riding is only available with enough volunteers. PM me or email to infopfl@rda.org.hk with any questions….♥️?????????♥️. “Behind every child that believes in themself is a parent/caregiver that believed in them first” #rdahk#ridingforthedisabledhk#believetoacheive #yogamom#rdaambassodor #specialneedshk#specialneedsawareness#bellaisabella #whStrong#wolfhirshornsyndrome H&MU @laviniatang ?

So proud of my little adventure seeker!! #funoutdooradventures#bellamichela #nardonegirls#fearless

Happy Birthday Sheh-Sheh!!!!! Wishing you ALL that your heart desires… love you my friend♥️??♥️!!!!! #birthdaywishes #七姊妹#gorgeousinsideout

??♀️ If you learn how to deeply breath and find stillness through a demanding pose …it’ll inspire you to use the power of the breath to help calm the mind and body through a challenging situation in your life.(#orviceversa ?) * The breath doesn’t get you in the pose or it won’t solve the issues your facing…but it’ll fuel your body to build strength and calmness and help clear your mind of impetuous thoughts and find more solid ground. * Deep breath in, long breath out…effort and ease on and off the mat ??. #yogamom #246#sthirasukhaasanam#yogaonandoffthemat#pranayama #effortlesseffort#throwback #fuelyoursoul#pinchamayurasana

A sweltering?and super duper hoooot ?sweaty ???? day…but nothing will stop us in trying to make a difference in helping our environment and teaching our next generation to follow. One step at a time…?♻️?! #sustainabilitymatters#awarenesscampaign#comingsoon #yogamom#bellamichela #loveourplanet#funday #withlikemindedfriends☀️??
Stanley Main Beach, Hong Kong

我哋唔需要同情,我哋需要同行. Let’s work together side by side, not by sympathy but by solidarity. A wonderful session with an abundance of experiences and knowledge shared by many different professions in the field of special educational needs (SEN) here in Hong Kong. Our session focused on the subject on what happens after secondary school for SEN students. It was very informative and a huge eye opener for me because I know this will be another mountain of a problem we will eventually have to face. For those experiencing it now…the options are extremely limited to what is available to these students. There’s the lack of support, pre-training, post-grad support, mentors and opportunities and the list goes on. I’m not in government to help voice the change in laws and funding, I’m not a social worker to help ease and support, I’m not trained to train sen kids to move into the work force…but I’m passionate for them. If you have a business that is open to giving these kids an opportunity, a job, and internship, a chance for them to build independence and confidence…please contact me. I’ll be sure you and your business will also have the support to make this opportunity a successful and happy one. Yes, we need more inclusivity in our community…but honestly it should be more like a fusion. Because to include means we were never part of…but sen kids and families are a part of our community…we never left, we were just never seen.#specialneedshk #weareallone#hongkong #trustthepath#senstrong#butyougottamoveforward#specialneedsawareness#yogamom #beyondfoundationhk
愛烘焙餐廳 Ibakery Gallery Cafe

“Am I the perfect mom? No Am I trying my best to be the perfect mom? Also No…” * I couldn’t help but chuckle when I saw this quote?…It’s because as mom’s we do strive to give the best things and experiences for our kiddos but just know that nothing and no one is perfect. Embrace the not so good days??♀️, the bad days?, the trying days?, the “I don’t know what I’m doing” days?, the supermom days??♀️, the great days?, the crazy a$s mom days?, the “just eat whatever cause I don’t wanna cook” days?…embrace it all!! It’s the good, the bad and the ugly that makes the “perfect” balance for our kids . So shout out to all the moms out there…we’ve got this!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!! * #yogamom#nardonegirls#lovingeverymoment #family#myeverything #mothersday #母親節快樂 #sneakpeek ?#familyphotoshoot#venturestudioshk
Venture Photography Tst

Back to the classic black…???. * Congratulations David Group on a successful opening??❤️?? ! #workfun #大衛集團#fungroup #memorable
sihanoukville beach

One is not looking and sliding down her chair and the other one is blinded by the bunny ears pulled down by her sister…?…this might be considered a selfie fail but I consider this gold. I’ve never laughed so hard and then also trying to calm the chaos at the same time?…gotta love these family moments??❤️??… Happy Easter blessings everyone and may you and your loved ones be filled with peace, love and so so much laughter always!#nardonefamily #easterblessings#weekendfamilyfun #familylove#nardonegirls #??#kowloonshangrila#superfuneasterparty
Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong

Super duper cuteeee!! I remember my pink MLP from the 80’s..?.. So happy to see them in HK at the My Little Pony Carnival…the girls loved them???❤️??!! #mommystoo ?#bronie#yogamom #cutiepies#pigtailposse #mayamichela#MyLittlePony #小馬寶莉友誼嘉年華#MyLittlePonyFriendshipCarnival#FriendshipIsMagic#mylittleponyhk
Hong Kong Observation Wheel

Hi, I’m Isabella…and I was born this way. Born to love and to conquer fears, born to unify uniqueness, born to magnify the love between my family, born to inspire ignorance to understanding, born to learn…to wonder…to wish…to be. I’m unique not just because of my internal power but also because I have Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. A condition that is part of me but doesn’t define me. * Please read along to learn more about Isabella’s diagnosis. Today is Wolf Hirschhorn awareness day so we want to share a little bit more with all of you! Please comment if you’d like and I’ll be sure to read them out to Isabella❤️?❤️. Happy WHS Awareness day!!! * Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) refers to a condition that is caused by a missing part (deletion) of the short arm of chromosome 4. * The incidence of this condition is rare and estimated to be approximately 1 in 50,000 births. This missing genetic material results in developmental delays, a characteristic facial appearance, and may include a variety of other birth defects. Other significant problems can include heart defects, cleft lip and/or palate, hearing impairment, kidney and eye problems. Because of the wide range of deleted material, possible duplications and translocations, the effect on each child varies. Larger deletions does confirm that more genetic material is missing but may not necessarily mean more significant delays. Some can walk, talk and assist in their daily care while others are not verbal and require constant care. Smaller stature is dominant yet some are near average height and weight. * Most children who have WHS have seizures (approximately 90%). Approximately 85–90% of cases of WHS occur as the result of a new deletion in the affected individual. * A common trait seems to be that the children are happy, very social, and have a huge love of music. They communicate well (some without spoken words) and capture the hearts of many. With therapy based early intervention and the love and encouragement from the parents/carers, nothing seems to be impossible for our kids. * #bellaisabella#wolfhirshhornsyndrome #四號染色體缺損綜合症 #whstrong#nardonegirls #whsawarenessday

Finally got myself an ukelele and have been learning through YouTube for a few days and tadaa…first song played!! Loving our vibe and how Michelas soOo into it ?. Isabella adores music so it’s a perfect match how one loves to play ? and one loves to appreciate it…love my #nardonegirls ? #3cords#ukelele #youaremysunshine#moretolearn #stifffingers#nardoneduet #nardonefamily#yogamom

Only love for this studio as it holds a special place in my heart. I remember when this studio first opened it’s doors 14 years ago and teaching it’s first class on its schedule…the mats were sliding everywhere during practice as the floors were still a bit dusty from renovations ?. But how it’s grown since then…Happy 14th Anniversary Pure Peninsula and to many more to come!! *#peninsulaPurekula #teamteach#wiggingitout #yogamom#amazingenergy #myfavstudio#pureyogapeninsula@pureyogaofficial

Guess what I’m (more we’re ?) up to today? An ?OommM new woRLdd?…. #redredred#yogamom #mycoolkula

Antman x the Wasp x Zombie ???♀️???. Happy days in Disney!! *#antmanandthewaspnanobattle#marvel #cheekygirl#bellamichela #godsisters@hkdisneyland

What we want our girls to know is that they shouldn’t put any limits to what they can achieve and experience in their lives. Especially our Bella Isabella…but we know that due to her diagnosis, there are real challenges that we face that do make us take a step back on certain things. Like flying. We would absolutely love to experience flying and seeing different parts of the world with Isabella but at the present moment we are unable too. So this experience with Cathay has been absolutely amazing! From checking in, to being in a flight simulator, to being seated in the plane and served airplane food!! Don’t know many people that would rave about airplane food but being with my family for this experience has made it so so much sweeter and tastier? (yes the food was so yum cause my heart was so lum ???). * Thank you Cathay Pacific for your kindness and for giving us this experience!! The girls enjoyed it so so much and we can’t wait for more moments like this…and next time in the air✈️?❤️?!! * #bellaisabella#bellamichela #nardonegirls#nardonefamily #enjoyingourlives#oneexperienceatatime#captainbella #??✈️#wolfhirshhornsyndrome#whstrong #cathaypacific#enjoyinglife @cathaypacific

Triumphing over battles isn’t easy but conquering with so much grace and humbleness is amazing… * Andrea, you are a dream…auntie Margaret loves you so so much and we’re wishing you an amazing beautiful 10th birthday!! Sorry Isabella wasn’t there as she wasn’t feeling well but she is sending over many kisses ?????! And Jackie, you are so much more then you think you….and Andrea and Moana are sooo lucky to have you as a mom.❤️❤️❤️ #momsunite#gorgeousgirls #thequeen#Andrea #10yearsold #timeflies#friendsforlife #specialneedshk

Uncle Ah-Ba is so strong!!! ???????????? #happylunchdate#bellamichela #gaibe #mrstrong#allsmiles

A mystical techno neon kind of night…???. #springdinner#macaunights #davidgroup#catchingthemoment #yogamom * Hair @avedahongkong@nanna.chan.129 Make-up @laviniatang

* She was one of the rare ones… so effortlessly herself… and the world loved her for it… Atticus * * * And oh how she is loved….❤️#babybella #bellaisabella#cousinscuddles#rarediseaseday2019#wolfhirshhornsyndrome#whsstrong