We LOVE the new black hoodies! Get them at my merch store! (No baby sizes available yet, unfortunately)

Episode three of #CantJustPreachfeatures Efren Olivares. He’s the Director of @txcivilrights Racial and Economic Justice Program and is devoted to advocating for the constitutional and human rights of immigrants and their families. Learn more about his story and the Texas Civil Rights Project, link in bio.

I’m so proud of the continued recognition of #CrowTheLegend! Not only did we win the first ever Annie Award for Best Virtual Reality Production but now we’ve also received 4 Emmy Award nominations. I want to congratulate the cast and our great partners on another accomplishment for this flagship indigenous worldview animation. Thanks @baobabstudios, @nativegiving, @oprah, @lizakoshy, @ms_eagleheart, @diegoluna_, @constancewu and @itstyesheridan. You can watch the animated movie on my YouTube channel.

“you might be a competitive swimmer now!” ?

Thanks to @iheartradio for inviting us to perform Preach last night! Thank you to my awesome team for putting together such a compelling performance!@friendsatwork @manmanphilly@jemelmcwilliams @soundsgood@davethomasstyle. Custom suit by @richfresh #CantJustPreach

Don’t forget to tune in to the #iHeartAwards TONIGHT at 8/7c on @FOX! I’ll be performing my new song #Preach!

I’m going to be performing #Preach at the 2019 #iHeartAwards this Thursday and I hope to see you there!

Episode two of #CantJustPreachfeatures @DesmondMeade. He’s the President of the @FloridaRightsRestorationCoalition to help formerly incarcerated citizens safely and successfully re-enter into society. Learn about his story and the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, link in bio.

Watch me on @SHODesusAndMeroTONIGHT! We laughed a lot. I committed career suicide. Good times. #DESUSandMERO #SHOWTIME

Sing, Miles!

Whether you eat a salad for breakfast (yes, that’s a thing), choose the stairs over the escalator, or track your steps, @NakedJuice and I want to remind you that little choices can make a big difference. What are your little healthy choices? #HoweverYouHealthy#sponsored

Today, I’m kicking off the #CantJustPreach mini-series (presented with @WeTransfer) with the first episode featuring @SybrinaFulton, mother of Trayvon Martin and founder of @thetrayvonmartinfoundation. Learn about her story and donate to the Trayvon Martin Foundation, link in bio.

The #CantJustPreach mini-series explores five stories of people who have inspired me with their passion to change the world. I’ll be donating $10k to each cause. If you’re able to support them in any way, please join me!

Mom and Dad went out tonight

“John, you are the father”

Get a behind the scenes look and learn about the making of my new music video for #Preach. Link in bio.#CantJustPreach

Excited for y’all to see this tonight! See our award-winning documentary on black roller skating culture at 8pm/7c on @hbo #UNITEDSKATES

Sometimes we can get so frustrated by the news and what’s going on and there’s this battle going on in ourselves. Do we become apathetic? Do we become engaged? Do we just talk about it, or do we do something? #CantJustPreach Link in bio.

Chrissy lost her voice, I won an Emmy, all in the same day. But the @lipsyncbattleshow must go on! We taped the show with me still in my Emmy tux and serving as Chrissy’s special guest spokesperson. Good times were had by all! Watch it tonight 9/8c on @paramountnetwork #LipSyncBattle@llcoolj @andygrammer@vanessamorgan

His name is Coinky (sp?) according to Luna

Tiny audience… big impact. #LoveTheChange #StinkyBootyDuty#PampersPartner @pampersus@pamperspure @chrissyteigen@adamlevine

It’s Miles’ turn… coming 2.3.19 #stinkybootyduty #lovethechange#pamperspartner @pampersus@pamperspure

Brunch buddies

excuse me, I’m teaching

She loves this wig

Friday night

Last party post (for today at least)! @lisavorce has been planning every event for us since she did our wedding at Lake Como. She transformed our house for the Casino Royale themed party. And we used all the roses. All of them.


Saturday night, my amazing wife threw me the most incredible 40th birthday party I could imagine! So good to be surrounded by family and loved ones. I had the time of my life. I’m so grateful. And the photo booth? The greatest of all time (in the Instagram era, that’s like 90% of party planning, right?)

“Dada’s shoulders”

My girls 



It’s a wrap! Thank you San Diego! Thanks to everyone who joined us throughout the tour! We really had so much fun and we’re most definitely going to miss playing these songs for you. I hope you had #ALegendaryChristmas and I wish you nothing but the best in the New Year!

Closing out the #ALegendaryChristmasTour in Southern California this weekend. Costa Mesa was so much fun! Thank you!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes today. It’s been a wonderful year, and I feel so grateful for all 40 years of my life. This year has been especially awesome. I love my growing family. Luna is so special and I love being her father and watching her personality blossom. We welcomed Miles to this world and I see so much of myself in him and can’t wait to see who he becomes. Chrissy is the superstar I always knew her to be. I’m happy that more and more people around the world are realizing this too. Professionally, this year’s biggest highlight was the EGOT, of course. That was amazing and wouldn’t have happened without the absolutely amazing experience of working on Jesus Christ Superstar. It was so beautiful to work on such a powerful production with such a diverse, talented team. We all devoted so much energy and time to make the show work and it succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. I began the year playing Jesus and ended the year playing Santa. I know I probably wore y’all out promoting the Christmas album since October, but I truly enjoyed the entire experience. From working with @raphael_saadiq and all the musicians to working with my team at @friendsatwork to create such a fun, creative campaign, to working with Chrissy and the team to make the tv special, to working with the band and production team to put on a magical tour, wow, it was such a joy. Thank you to all my collaborators, friends, fans and family who made my 40th year so memorable. I love you all. Have a wonderful 2019.

Luna in 2016. Miles today. Hand-me-downs

Christmas bear!