Welcome to Pisces season


First day seeing a little of everyone else’s costume and characters.. AHHHH UNREAL.

I should be paying to be able to do this “ job “. These people are golden. I’ve never become so close to so many souls so quickly. The universe is stunning and beautiful and kind. I am blessed to have this amazing cast, this fantastic role and have people around me who make every day special. @rachieskarsten@nicolekang @camrusj @meagantandy@carolinedries and everyone involved.

Let the games begin ?

Packing agggaaainnnnnn ??

Another day another creepy head cast.

Meet Grace Lewis and Tom Buckingham. @samheughan SAS: Red Notice.

??*Rubicorn from my little homie pony?? ??@riawna

My happy place ?

Dying to be in a TLC video

Alias: Violet moon

Major mood as I say goodbye for another year to all my friends and family back home. Time to gear up for 2019 now. I’m so ready.

My beautiful… ridiculously handsome and charming baby brother is turning 21 and I’m so proud of the man he’s become, so lucky to have him and so mad he’s taller than me already. ? love you!

I adore you @natalie_imbruglia I was excited to get home and back to work… but now nothing’s right and I’m torn! ???

Thank you so much @crownresorts for the best few days celebrating food, tennis and friendship 

2009 – 2019 I lost the shoulder pads, discovered hair gel and started squinting.. sounds about right.#10yearchallenge

I have been road tripping around aus since I arrived.. and it was amazing. Peep my stories for some of the adventures.

Best start to my Sydney trip. I made a NY plan to see as much of Australia and as many of my friends as possible because I just don’t get back here enough. So far it’s taken me to the most beautiful places with the most beautiful people. I love this year already. @catmcneil @jazdaly@georgieclaire_

This angel, precious, beautiful soul. Your parents thought I stayed for them and the food, the dogs thought I stayed for them, the lost drone thought I stayed for it… but I stayed for your adorable perfectness. @celestegant @samgant_ I miss you guys already xx


I spent NYD with some of my oldest friends and then made some new ones. I already love 2019… I love that the feeling of hope and excitement is restored for so many people. That optimistic mindset spread amongst millions of people across the world changes the energy whether you believe in New Years or not. I love celebrating it because whether a year is tough, amazing, challenging, perfect or all of the above, it’s still a year we were blessed to experience and live for. I’m so happy. I’m so blessed. And I am filled to the brim with gratitude and love.

Happy New Year! To friendship, dinners, manifesting your wildest dreams and being in bed by 12:30 xox love you! Thanks @crownresorts for the most beautiful dinner at Nobu.

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? ? @ilsey



Blending in. ?


Hungary ?

#TB When you can’t work out whether to text @melissabenoist Kara Danvers or Supergirl.. so you text all 3.



Trailers are the new mansions. Don’t @me.

Please check out this amazing company I’ve joined, as both an investor and advisor. @rebbl .. here we are many months ago having our first official meeting after over a year of following them and researching the team involved as well as Not For Sale, I finally knocked on their door and they welcomed me with open arms. Please look into what this amazing company does as I am incredibly proud to be part of it. So much more to come.

Portable potties are the new 5 star hotels. This.is.glamour.

#Repost @amyschumer ・・・ It is legal to seek asylum in the US. These people are fleeing from homes where they were in danger and the law says they can stay in the US while their claim is processed. Anyone who says “they should have come legally” THEY DID. THEY ARE! Follow @paolamendoza


@samheughan did the poster for our film so I didn’t have to.. status update : he’s not just a badass or a babe.. he is legend status. ( this is most probably not going to be the poster but I’d love it to be) ?? I’ll happily take Saturday off !!

This is Charlie, he works 9-5 as an accountant but he worked really hard to get there. He is currently single but “that’s ok” he says… “ One day I’ll be the boss of this accounting firm and I’ll meet the right woman and give her the world” What Charlie doesn’t realize is that he is already enough.. he just has to know he is enough.. also most women think he’s gay.. because he is.. he just hasn’t worked out why he likes to wear heels and leggings in his down time and why he has such a crush on @coltonlhaynes he thinks it’s ok because mama also has a big crush on Colton. . . Also he only listens to Ricky Martin and Kylie minogue.. sometimes he vogues alone in his room to Madonna… Charlie you will be loved.


So glad I’m not claustrophobic. ???

Throw back to when @rumerwillis and I tried to do our Brad and Leo female reboot of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.. except she’s like, actually in that film and I’m not bitter ?

Hi, My name is Susan and I’ll be your Uber driver tonight.

“Dog worlds crossover” ( Sad that I couldn’t find a Green Arrow costume )

We are much happier than we appear in this photo. We just take being happy VERY seriously.

Celebrating so many amazing things we lost count.

First look
? ? Crossover event ? December 9 at 8pm ET

Thank you so much @shaolintemplela for this honor and beautiful ceremony. Thank you to @hengbushaolin and fellow disciples for the performances, to my friends who all showed up to be part of this beautiful day and to Abbot Shi YanFan I am – 35th Generation Shaolin warrior – Shi heng an

My boy crush @bexeyswan and I..
? a few ‘bexbys’ later

I love chance and i am DYING OVER THIS VIDEO ?? I miss my dogs so so much when I’m gone but they don’t miss me as much as they used to… because of my babe Dog Father @chrisradd and I’m only a tiny bit jealous.

Throw back to the more simple days. ( yesterday ) #RMC I know I posted this and deleted it but I couldn’t handle the crop the gram did – told you, yesterday was simpler ?@riawna

@rosacha @ellenvonunwerth #ad