
@carterbowman1 ?

@carterbowman1 ?

?? Tom’s @origin_series is out on 14th November. Congrats dear friend. #TFToleratingmysubparskatingskillssince1999.

✔? In my home country, I am a voter. All my admiration and thanks to those of you voting in the USA today. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ?❤ Midterms matter. ❤? Here’s a reminder why from my friends and colleagues who’ve been organising with communities to embolden and inform USA voters. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ E x

✊?? Congratulations to @amikageorge and Lisa Ranran Hu on being honoured for your work by @teenvogue#21Under21 2018! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ? Amika started the @freeperiods movement at 18 to end #periodpoverty in the UK. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ? Lisa Ranran Hu, a self-taught filmmaker, directed “Escape,” a film following the journey of a transgender teenager in high school in China, at 18. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ? Link in bio ? for Teen Vogue’s full list of girls and femmes changing the world ?

@josholins ❤️

@lornasimpson ???

?? Here’s an excerpt from the powerful November & December @oursharedshelf letter written by Brittney Cooper (@professor_crunk) & Rebecca Traister. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “Dear Our Shared Shelf Readers, ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We are honored to be able to begin a conversation with you about the power and consequence of women’s rage, both personal and political. We could not be prouder or more excited that Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider, Brittney Cooper’s Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower, and Rebecca Traister’s Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger have been selected as the Our Shared Shelf books for November/December 2018. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The famed feminist activist, poet, and essayist Audre Lorde was one of the foremost thinkers on the importance of anger. In her essay, “The Uses of Anger,” which you will get to read in her book Sister Outsider, she wrote, “every woman has a well-stocked arsenal of anger potentially useful against those oppressions, personal and institutional, which brought that anger into being. Focused with precision it can become a powerful source of energy serving progress and change.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To encounter these words is to be changed by them. We have been changed by them. And we hope that women’s anger, put to use within progressive coalitions in which fury is expressed and treated as instructive, will in turn have the power to change the world. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In this period, as we reckon with the rise of hard right authoritarian regimes around the world, many determined to roll back human rights—the very freedoms generations of angry women before us worked to win—today’s women are again being called to embrace our rage–its force, its potential, its messy complications. The fight against global patriarchy is far from over. Violence abounds but so does the possibility of building a new world from the wreckage of the old one.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✊??✊? You can read the rest of their letter here: tiny.cc/OSSLetter

❤️ “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – Audre Lorde

??? Our full @oursharedshelf interview via ??link in bio or ✨ bit.ly/2QLzlWy ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’ve already read Reni’s book and want to continue the conversation (or even if you haven’t read it), her podcast ‘About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge’ is available to listen now ???www.aboutracepodcast.com ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @renieddolodge#blackhistorymonth#OurSharedShelf

??? ????? ?? ????? ? ?????????? ????

?✊? @stonewalluk@mermaidsgender@genderedintelligence

??? Our full @oursharedshelf interview via ??link in bio or ✨ bit.ly/2QLzlWy ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’ve already read Reni’s book and want to continue the conversation (or even if you haven’t read it), her podcast ‘About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge’ is available to listen now ???www.aboutracepodcast.com ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @renieddolodge#blackhistorymonth#OurSharedShelf

@sheenaroseartist ???

Today is International Day of the Girl ???? & I want to celebrate by letting all the girls here know ?? that I am truly and totally in awe of all the ideas, efforts and talents you’re using to organise together and transform our world! I’m so inspired by you all xo ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I encourage you to check out @FRIDAfund – the only youth led fund focused on supporting the organising of young feminist activists all over the world ? because your work is critical to expanding, rejuvenating and sustaining social justice movements, now and in the future! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨ www.youngfeministfund.org ✨

? #fbf autumn weather alert ??

It’s ?️? LGBT History Month in the USA. I have learned so much about feminism and anti-racism through the work of LGBTQIA+ activists. Thank you Sylvia Rivera, Audre Lorde and Marsha P. Johnson!! Sending love to all those I love and wider LGBTQIA+ communities around the world. ❤️????? We love you.

? Words cannot express how excited I was to interview @renieddolodge ? a London based feminist activist, podcaster, award-winning journalist and author of ‘Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race,’ the Jan/Feb @oursharedshelf book pick. ••• ?? Reni’s research and candour opened my eyes to how deeply-engrained structural racism is in UK society. Her work enlightened and motivated me to begin a journey of acknowledging the history of racism in Britain. Thank you, Reni, for thoughtfully answering the questions from #OurSharedShelf members and myself. ••• ?? Full interview out ?! #blackhistorymonth

As part of their Incredible Women list featuring letters to remarkable changemakers, it was a great honour to be asked by @portermagazine to pay the deepest respect to the legacy of Dr Savita Halappanavar, whose death powered the determination of activists to change Irish abortion laws & fight for reproductive justice all over the world. ••• The planned new legislation has already been dubbed ‘Savita’s law’ by campaigners out of respect for a woman who didn’t want to become the face of a movement, but simply wanted a procedure to save her life. ••• A note on her memorial in Dublin read, “Because you slept, many of us woke.” Yet from Argentina to Poland, restrictive abortion laws still punish and endanger girls, women and pregnant people. Free, safe, legal and local abortion care is needed across the globe. In Savita’s memory, and on today’s 7th Annual March for Choice in Dublin, I’d like to say a huge thank you to all those who continue the fight for reproductive justice. ✊? #mybodymychoice #freesafelegal#ARCMarch18

☎️❤️ Calling all fellow Londoners! @traid – a UK clothes reuse charity – revealed in their new study that 23% of London’s clothes are unworn. That’s 123 million items! ??? ••• ?? If you have clothes you don’t wear, TRAID offers *free* home collections picking up clothes you no longer need direct from your door, direct to the charity! Passing on our unworn clothes to TRAID also helps fund their projects to improve conditions in the supply chains making our clothes. www.traid.org.uk/23collect ••• Today is the 3rd anniversary of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. TRAID’s study shows 22% of Londoners throw their clothes in the bin after clearing out their closet. Passing on our clothes means supporting UN SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production. Yay! ??? #SDG12#GlobalGoals #23percent ••• ? You can find out more at: www.traid.org.uk/23percent

SP??KY TREAT ? the Sept / Oct @oursharedshelf members’ choice winner is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. ••• It’s a gothic thriller with three well-drawn female characters and some prophetic feminist themes. Don’t want to give anything more away ? this one’s a creepy classic! ENJ?Y! ••• and yes, that is Yoda.

??? Sending all the love for your upcoming American tour, @rupikaur_ (Details here: rupikaur.com/tour/) ••• Our full @oursharedshelf interview via ??link in bio or bit.ly/2M2dVBA ✨ ••• #oursharedshelf#milkandhoney

W?W❗️ ? Julie Cohen & @betsywestnyc ? directors of the incredibly crucial @RBGmovie – a documentary about ??⚖️ Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – are my #FeministFilmmakerFriday ?♥️ appreciation post. ••• I was *completely* captivated by Julie & Betsy’s documentary, it couldn’t have come at a more important time. Like many of you, I heard about Justice RBG in recent years, as the Internet catapulted her to feminist pop culture icon. Learning more about Justice RBG’s life, career (25 years as a Supreme Court Justice) and fierce advocacy for equality was such a thrilling joy. Grateful to these filmmakers for getting her story out to the world! ?? ••• PS: You can watch at – bit.ly/RBGWatchNowAtHome – or check out – CNN.com/RBG – for details about their USA Labour Day (September 3) premiere PPS: #RBGmovie had an all-female crew ?? #femalefilmmakerfriday

? Finally got to meet @rupikaur_ ! ? So excited for @oursharedshelf to hear our interview! ••• Rupi, I think I first publicly said I was a feminist aged 9, and since then I have been on a worldwide search to find my tribe. Thank you for being the kindred heart & spirit I knew you would be. Heartened to know you and grateful your work is out there. ?? Your friend, E x •••#milkandhoney #oursharedshelf

?? Calling all UK organisations & grassroots activists – don’t forget the Justice and Equality Fund is open for applications! ••• ??? This fund, catalysed by the UK #TimesUp movement, and hosted by Rosa, the UK’s women’s fund, supports those working to bring an end to sexual harassment and abuse in our workplaces and communities across the UK. ••• ?✍? Find out more about how to apply here: http://www.rosauk.org/how-to-apply/justice-and-equality-fund-2/ ••• ??✨ Here is the link if you would like to donate: https://www.gofundme.com/Justice-and-Equality-Fund ••• #MeToo#JusticeAndEqualityFund

? ? Don’t forget to watch #LeadingLadyParts, a short by @rebelparkproductions, on their YouTube channel and BBC iPlayer. Inspired by the UK’s @TIMESUPNOW group, and including many of them too! #womeninfilm ••• And as the trailer says ??, you can donate to the Justice and Equality Fund supported by our UK #TimesUpgroup here: www.gofundme.com/Justice-and-Equality-Fund ••• Sending love ? to the cast, my friends, the writer and the mainly female crew: Jessica Swale, Gemma Arterton, Felicity Jones, Catherine Tate, Stacy Martin, Chloë Thomson, @gemma_chan, @emilia_clarke, @wunmimosaku, @iamlenaheadey, @florencepugh, @_katieleung_, @earlywelsh, @twhiddleston, @fran_mottola, Pani Scott and @awarnermusic

??♀️?? I recently met Olympic swimmer, Yusra Mardini, from Syria who represented the first-ever Refugee Olympic Team in the Rio 2016 Olympics. ?✊?? ••• Yusra has an incredible story: she fled the war in Syria with her sister, and was part of a group trying to reach Greece by boat. When the motor failed, Yusra, her sister and two others swam in open water for more than three hours to stop their dinghy from capsizing, saving the lives of 20 people. She is now the youngest ever UNHCR @refugeesGoodwill Ambassador, and you can all read her incredible story in her autobiography, ? Butterfly ?. ••• It was so inspiring to meet you @mardiniysra and I wish you all the best training for 2020! #withrefugees#sheplayswewin #ThisGirlCan

????♀️Hockey was a big part of my life growing up, and I am proud to have joined @helenrichardson8 and @emilydefroand ? at Thorpe Hall Primary School in Walthamstow for the launch @HockeyFuturesUK ?, a charity aiming to get children into hockey. ••• ??? Good luck in the Women’s World Cup @EnglandHockey #HWC2018https://www.hockeyfutures.org/

?????? I am honoured to have hosted a panel of extraordinary activists at the ‘From Violence to a Place of Power’ event, which explored how philanthropy can increase its support for the movement to end violence against girls and women. ???? ••• Thank you to the panel: Nasra (@_IntegrateUK), Marai (Imkaan) and Devi (@FridaFund), and all the other incredible speakers who inspired us with their honesty and passion. Supporting women’s and girls organisations is the single greatest hope we have for worldwide transformative change – and my philanthropic choices are grounded in that belief. ••• Thank you to NoVo Foundation, Oak Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy and Ariadne for organising this event. #timesup#metoo #endVAWG

Nice work, London ✊?❤️ ••• Repost: @womensmarchlondon@durrellcommpr @babyskins

☀?✍? I am excited to announce that July/August’s pick for @oursharedshelf is our first poet, @rupikaur_ , and her book of poems Milk and Honey ??. Rupi Kaur is an Indian-born, Canadian-raised poet and artist. She chooses not to use upper case letters or punctuation in her poems as an ode to her native language, Punjabi. She travels the world, including recently to her native country India, performing her poems and drawing crowds of hundreds. Both of her books, Milk and Honey and The Sun and Her Flowers, have made the New York Times bestseller list, which for a poet, is astonishing. ••• Over my lifetime, I have fallen in and out of love with poetry. Performing poems was what got me into acting (I had a primary school teacher that made everyone learn one a week, and eventually I won a poetry recital competition!) In secondary school and at university, I loved deciphering the codes of poems in class discussion, but I honestly wondered if poetry would continue to feature in my life outside of an academic context. ••• Enter poets like @holliepoetry, @SabrinaMahfouzand Rupi Kaur- I demolished whole books in single sittings. Unlike poems I have often spent weeks unraveling, Rupi’s poems are not designed to obscure meaning or entertain too much ambiguity – they hit you like punches to the stomach. They are immediate, visceral and not easily digested. I am loathe to say Rupi has made poetry “accessible” because while this is the truth (Rupi’s poems and illustrations fit well into those famously square shaped Instagram frames), there is nothing easy or accessible about what Rupi chooses to talk about. In fact, the topics she chooses, are audacious. ••• Here is a 25-year-old girl saying the unsayable… to hundreds of thousands of people: that she has been raped, that at times she has been abused, that she bleeds. And sin of all sins… she actually likes the hair that grows on her body. Yes. She actually thinks it is beautiful. And that she is beautiful as God made her – what a transgression. That her body is her home and nobody else’s. ••• Full letter on: www.goodreads.com/oursharedshelf

Thinking of my Irish sisters #together4yes #repealthe8th