天氣轉涼,真係到咗著冷衫嘅時候。睇吓Geoffrey唔同嘅冷衫款式。大家要留意天氣,小心身體。 It’s sweater weather!! Check out Geoffrey’s different winter styles. Let’s stay warm together in this winter. #toysrus #toysrus_hk#toysrushk #toysrusAsia#geoffrey #sweater #weather#warm #hkig #winter

?Geoffrey之前成日周遊列國✈️,而家終於決定要留喺佢鍾意嘅亞洲啦?!一齊同Geoffrey去我地嘅文萊、中國、香港、日本、澳門、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、台灣以及泰國店舖,感受全新嘅冒險歷程啦!即刻睇埋Geoffrey對佢喺亞洲呢個新屋企嘅公告?: http://bit.ly/2zo1IDV 留言話比我哋知你最中意Geoffrey 起邊個地方呀! . ?Geoffrey’s been busy on his travels ✈️and decided that he’s in love with Asia?. He’s here to stay!!! Check out his adventures in all our stores across Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Read Geoffrey’s announcement that’s all about his new home in Asia?: http://bit.ly/2QizsMu Tell us what is your favorite Asian city of Geffrey here. #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#toysrusAsia #geoffrey #hkig#travel #love #asia

Geoffrey 邀請你一齊進入魔法世界了!你最期待睇到邊個角色、哪個怪獸嘅登場呢?話比Geoffrey 知啦~ Geoffrey is inviting you to join the Wizarding World now! Which character and monster do you most expect to see? Let us know… #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #FantasticBeasts#TheCrimesOfGrindelwald#WizardingWorld #magic #hkig

Geoffrey 佢好開心咁同朋友起FoldaWay 嘅地墊上玩,因為既舒服、又安全! Geoffrey enjoys playing with friends on his FoldaWay bumpermate. It’s super safe and comfortable!! #toysrus#toysrus_hk #toysrushk#geoffrey #FoldaWay #hkig #play#enjoy

Geoffrey 已經準備好喺雙11掃貨,你會一齊嗎? Geoffrey is ready to buy many many toys through the 11.11 Singles Day Festival. Will you join him?#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #shopping #double11#singleday #hkig #fun

Geoffrey 已經準備好今年萬聖party啦,你又準備好未呢?一齊嚟Trick R Treat啦!! Geoffrey is so ready for Halloween. Are you ready yet? What’s your spooky costume?! Trick R Treat!! #toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #halloween #hkig#costume #party#TrickOrTreat#TrickRTreat

秋高氣爽就最適合去行山,Geoffrey 被香港迷人嘅郊外景色征服了! It’s hiking time!! Geoffrey is overwhelmed by the spectacle of Hong Kong’s amazing mountains views. #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #hkig #hiking #love#hongkong #hkhiking

同大家介紹,Geoffrey 嘅新好拍擋 – 大黃蜂BumbleBee!還是呢個係佢嘅Halloween 裝扮!??? Introducing Geoffrey’s newest buddy – BumbleBee!! Or is it his Halloween constume?!?! ?? #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #groffrey#BumbleBee #Transformer #hkig#love #halloween

Geoffrey 邀請大家嚟海運大廈分店參與【日本秋祭in香港】活動!有不同日本玩具品牌、熱選玩具、超級英雄見面會、文化工作坊、日式小食以及精美禮品等。即刻嚟感受下日本文化啦~ Geoffrey would like to invite all of you to join The Japan Autumn Festival, Japan Toy carnival at our Ocean Terminal store. We’ve brought a wide range of Toy Brands from Japan with hot items, Greeting with Super Hero, culture workshops, yummy snacks and amazing gifts for you. Come and enjoy the lovely Japanese culture at Ocean Terminal. #toysrus #toysrus_hk#toysrushk #geoffrey#JapanAutumnFestival #Japan#fun #happy #hkig #日本秋祭in香港 #海運大廈

天氣好最適合出走,Geoffrey 同Steffi好enjoy咁一齊遊公園,享受一番~~ The weather is perfect outside! Geoffrey and Steffi are enjoying a walk in the park this weekend. #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #nice#hkig #love #weekend #enjoy

Geoffrey 都好中意運動,佢準備好同一班球星踢波啦! Geoffrey loves his sports. He’s sooo ready to play with these football stars!!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #football #Messi#Neymar #Hazard #Firmino#DeBruyne #sport #hkig

今個月買一件BB玩具第二件半價!唔怪得之Geoffrey有咁多玩具啦! Geoffrey’s filling up his toy cabinet during the Buy 1 and get 2nd Half Price Offer for BABY TOYS this month! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #babiesrus#babymonth#CognitiveDevelopment#PhysicalDevelopment#SocialEmotionalDevelopment

Geoffrey 祝大家中秋節快樂!同家人、朋友都有個開心愉快嘅慶祝時候! A very Happy Mid-Autumn Festive from Geoffrey!! Here’s wishing you have a wonderful festive season with your family and friends! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #MidAutumnFestive #中秋節快樂 #賞月 #家人 #family#love

今個月,BB我最大!Geoffrey 成個9月都要玩多啲有助BB發展嘅玩具呀! Babies are the boss of this month! Geoffrey focusing on Developmental Play for babies all through September! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #babiesrus#babymonth #learning #fun

Bricktober 開始啦!Geoffrey 已經急不及待要同一班限量版超人氣角色嘅minifigures 玩啦! Bricktober is here! Geoffrey is super excited to play with these HOT Character limited edition minifigures! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey#bricktober #minifigures #LEGO#LEGOHK #玩具反斗城獨家 #旋風忍者 #哈利波特 #侏羅紀世界 #復仇者聯盟 #細不可擋

起强颱風山竹吹到嚟啦!大家要小心,留喺安全地方! Typhoon Mangkhut is coming, stay safe!! #toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #typhoon #hkig#typhoon

Geoffrey 好中意用呢隻“I Love Hong Kong”骨瓷杯飲野,特別有感情~ Geoffrey enjoys sipping tea from his all new “I Love Hong Kong Mug”. It’s a special joy for him~ #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffry#ILoveHongKong #hkig #love #hk

Geoffrey 已經開學啦~ 大家期待你嘅新學期嗎?加油呀! Geoffrey’s new semester has started! Are you ready for the new school year? #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #school #BacktoSchool#hkig

Geoffrey 打算呢個週末玩住Slimy 過,你又有咩計劃呢? Looks like Geoffrey’s in for a slimey weekend… What do you have planned? #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #slimy#fun #hkig

暑假咁熱,Geoffrey 話要食西瓜涼一涼先~ It’s been a sizzling summer!! Let’s cool down with some juicy watermelon. #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #summer #hot #hkig

Geoffrey 嘅新朋友 – 紙機關企鵝炸彈!真係好得意呀~~ Geoffrey’s got a new buddy! It’s a bouncy POP Up Kamikara Penguin. That’s some super cute action paper craft! #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #papercraft #cute#love #hkig

✨搵緊一個Sharp醒得嚟又不失霸氣嘅新書包???Geoffrey幫你揀好咗啦!??開學日一於孭住呢個Stephen Joseph嘅自製名牌個人化書包,開開心心咁返去識新朋友?❤️!Double Tap如果你都好似Geoffrey咁準備緊開學吖~?? ?✨ Looking for a super cool school bag when you go Back-To-School?? Well, ?Geoffrey’s GOT YOUR BACK ?! Check out these PERSONALIZED Stephen Joseph school bags & make a unique entry back to school ?❤️!? Double tap & show us some love~?? #toysrus #toysrushk #geoffrey#backtoschool #schoolessentials#essentials #personalized#personalizedschoolbag#StephenJoseph #SchoolGear#hkig #開開心心上學去

今日係世界攝影日,Geoffrey作為攝影愛好者,好中意用相片紀錄生活點滴。邊張又係你相機入面嘅最愛呢? It World Photography Day!! Geoffrey loves to captures special memories from all his travels. Good times!! What’s your favorite memory captured on camera? #toysrus #toysrus_hk#toysrushk #geoffrey#WorldPhotographyDay #hkig

落雨又有嘜好怕喎! Keep calm & stay dry on these rainy days!#toysrus #toysrus_hk #toysrushk#geoffrey #rainyday #hkig

Geoffrey 準備好做Ready2Robot嘅駕駛員,呢個星期去同唔同嘅機械人戰鬥! Geoffrey is ready to pilot a bot for the Ready2Robot battles this weekend. #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey#Ready2Robot #TRUexclusive#friend #hkig

Geoffrey 同哈利、榮恩同仲妙麗做咗朋友,仲諗住喺暑假向佢哋學魔法添~ Geoffrey’s made some new magician friends for the summer to learn some summer spells from– Harry, Hermione and Ron!! #toysrus #toysrushk#toysrus_hk #geoffrey #LEGO#HarryPotter #Harry #Emma#Ron #brickheadz #hkig #love

Geoffrey 諗住去準備返學嘅野,你覺得佢有咩需要預備? Geoffrey getting prepped to go back to school. What do you think he needs to carry in his backpack?#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #BackToSchool#SchoolFun #Fun #love #hkig

今日係國際友誼日,快D同你嘅朋友一齊慶祝啦!Geoffrey 都已經準備好同大家一齊慶祝啦~~ Happy Friendship Day!! You always have a best friend in Geoffrey. Come in & celebrate with Toys“R”Us #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #FriendshipDay #love#hkig #friends

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【 ? ? 香港動漫電玩節2018資訊!】 【 ? ? Ani-con Game 2018 !】 香港動漫節2018開始啦! 歡迎蒞臨我哋Hasbro及Bandai 攤位C14, B03,現場展示多款Bandai得獎高達模型、變形金剛特別版等比大家欣賞,仲有最新NERF電子射擊體驗!你又點可以錯過呀?!提提你,「變形金剛」、「星球大戰」、「MARVEL」 、「Bandai 高達」、「大英雄聯盟」等多款會場特別版及獨家限定優惠等著你!即刻火速入手啦~~ 記得下載「星卡」App,緊貼最新優惠資訊 手機版:http://qrs.ly/bc4sjhx 桌面版:https://goo.gl/TzGQiq The wait for HKACG 2018 is over!! Check out the Transformers, Star Wars, MARVEL ACG and Bandai Gundam Special Edition sets, Big Hero 6 – Baymax Diecast Figure ACG Special Edition sets, Exclusive Toys”R”Us Deals and much much more at our Hasbro & Bandai booths (No.C14 & No. B03). In addition, we’ve also displayed the award winning Gundam and Transformers figures, along with the latest NERF real dart shooting experience unit. Come In & PLAY!! Download our Star Card App now, and enjoy fantastic benefits: Mobile: http://qrs.ly/bc4sjhx Desktop: https://goo.gl/YgaWHN #toysrus#toysrus_hk #hongkong #toys#fun #game #hasbro#transformers #starwars #marvel

LEGO®️ 60週年經典復刻版嘅巴士同火車,以LEGO Bricks 造型重新亮相,Geoffrey 諗起好多懷舊事!邊段嘅LEGO回憶你又最中意呢? The Classic LEGO®️ Wooden Bus and Wooden Train are now available in LEGO®️ Bricks, as part of its 60th Anniversary Celebration. They have Geoffrey feeling quite nostalgic. What’s your favorite LEGO®️ memory?#toysrus #toyrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #60週年限定 #木製玩具經典復刻 #60thBrickversary#HappyBrickthday #LEGO #love#hkig

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我哋人數有5,000 啦????,Geoffrey多謝大家一直以嚟嘅支持????! We’re 5,000 strong ????!!! BIG Thanks to all you superstars for following Geoffrey’s playtime ????!!#toysrus #toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #5000 #follwers#thankyou #love #hkig

【玩具“反”斗城慶祝LEGO®️ Bricks 60週年】 【Toys“R”Us is celebrating LEGO®️ Bricks 60th Anniversary】 LEGO Bricks 60 週年大型互動展覽 – 【LEGO®️我們的遊樂場】今日開幕啦!一齊慶祝LEGO®️ Bricks 誕生60週年。現場會展示由全港唯一一位LEGO專業認證大師Andy Hung 洪子健運用超過10萬塊LEGO®️ Bricks所打造高達3米嘅經典2×4 LEGO®️紅色Bricks、多個大型LEGO®️ 遊樂設施、LEGO®️期間限定店以及限量版贈品。你又點可以錯過呢? 玩具“反”斗城獨家呈獻 – LEGO®️ 60週年紀念巴士 由即日起至8月19日,於全線玩具“反”斗城分店購買任何LEGO®️玩具 (單一發票)滿淨價$250或以上,即可免費獲贈限定60週年迷你巴士乙架。數量有限,送完即止。 LEGO®️ 60週年限量版贈品 經典LEGO®️ 積木筆筒和60週年紀念火車 換領詳情,請與活動展覽人員查詢。
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荃灣廣場×LEGO®️我們的遊樂場 日期︰7月20日至9月2日 時間︰10:30AM – 9:30PM (LEGO®️期間限定店11:00AM – 9:30PM) 地點︰荃灣廣場 The 60th Anniversary of LEGO®️ Bricks – [LEGO®️ Our Playground] is officially underway!! There are many many exciting activities here… Mr. Andy Hung, the only LEGO®️ certified professional in Hong Kong, is invited to build a giant 3-metre high classic 2×4 LEGO Red Brick using over 100-thousand pieces of LEGO®️ Red Bricks. Apart from the giant Red Brick, the exciting amusement zones feature a Toys”R”Us LEGO®️ pop-up store and many limited offers. Come in & Play!! Don’t miss out! Exclusive to Toys“R”Us – 60th Anniversary Classic Bus – FREE exclusive 60th Anniversary Classic Bus with net purchase of any LEGO®️ toys worth $250 (in a single transaction) at all Toys“R”Us stores. While stock last. Limited offer at “Tsuen Wan Plaza x LEGO®️ Our Playground” – LEGO®️ Brick 60th Anniversary Red Pencil Pot and 60th Anniversary Classic Wooden Train For more detail, please enquire with event staffs LEGO®️ Our Playground Date: 20th July – 2nd Sep, 2018 Time: 10:30AM – 9:30PM (Toys“R”Us LEGO®️ pop-up store 11:00AM – 9:30PM) Venue: Tsuen Wan Plaza #toysrus#toysrushk #toysrus_hk#geoffrey #LEGO #LEGOHK#60thBrickversary #