
This is quickly becoming one of my must-have products for a camera ready face ? Clarins V Shaping Facial Lift fights against fat, reduces puffiness, and uplifts facial features with organic and natural plant extracts ? I like to use it in the morning before makeup, quick and easy to get rid of morning puffiness, and at night before bed with a few simple massaging moves. It sculpts and slims my face in all the right places!
? #ClarinsVSFL #LoveMyVFace #年輕V輪廓 #最愛V臉精華#ClarinsHK

It’s not summer without Havaianas
Visited their pop-up shop at @pacificplacehktoday! It has always been my favorite flip-flop brand
? .@havaianashongkong#havaianashk

Spoiled ???

I have always been after glowy, dewy skin, especially when summer hits
I like my complexion to glow from the inside out without wearing too much makeup and the secret is Tom Ford Soleil Cushion Compact
A natural, sun kissed glow that lasts all day, delivered in a sleek white and gold case! Can’t resist!! ?#TFSOLEIL #TFCUSHION #TF璀璨長夏 #白氣墊#TOMFORDBEAUTY#TFEYEWEAR@TOMFORDBEAUTY

Proud to be a 強人!?? thank you for loving our story ??
. #白色强人 #呂靄寧

Had so much fun trying out the 5G e-Motorsport powered by @smartonehk, go check it out today or tomorrow! ♥️ .@smartonehk #SmarTonehk#MakeUsSmart#SmarTone5GxFun

Inner peace is the goal . ? Mom

Back just in time for the last week of #白色强人 ??

Coffee run with Dad ?
. ? by him
Los Angeles, California

Last class with @marjorie_ballentine_studioconcludes my month in LA!
Taking the past month off to study acting here was undoubtedly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My time has been full of challenges, rewards, and self-discovery. Thank you to my teachers and fellow classmates, I’ve grown so much. SO much more to learn so I’ll brb! 
Mccadden Place Theatre

大家有無睇《白色強人》呢? ??
? 為了打造劇中專業醫護人形象,不只團隊拍攝及 記劇本上要大量功夫,其實於打造呂醫生嘅造型上,我都有特別花心機 ? 記得上年拍攝於夏天,天氣非常炎熱,每次化妝品set 頭都要用大量造型產品來維持髮型。 但汗+油混合造型產品,半日就會令頭髮變得好黏笠?, 為咗保持前額瀏海清爽而簡約嘅造型,我每晚都會用世界髮型師推薦嘅 TRSEemme 幫手 ? 我選擇特別適合油性髮質使用嘅 *深層清潔系列*, 當中的維他命C深層清潔洗髮露,能夠去除頭髮的雜質及造型產品的殘留物,而且仲係無矽(Silicone) 配方 清爽無負擔 ? 洗髮後, 再使用維他命原B5蘆薈滋潤護髮素深層滋潤頭髮,還原自然順滑秀髮。?????? 最推薦TRSEemme產品零添加矽、PARABENS 防腐劑和著色劑,溫和配方 其實唔止適合要經常用大量造型產品嘅我,任何髮質的朋友都可每日使用?? 响屋企都能夠打造 Salon 級秀髮喇
對於保養頭髮, 呂醫生絕不偷懶, 大家都要勤力啊??,洗頭水記緊要加埋護髮素一拼使用先可以全面保護秀髮! P.S: 大家可以响 7月5至 7月11日內,於各大零售商,以優惠$78.9 選購任何TRESemme洗護套裝(洗髮露及護髮素各一支),即係每支$39.5 咋?! #TRESemmeHK #維他命C深層清潔洗髮露 #維他命原B5蘆薈滋潤護髮素 #白色強人 #呂靄寧

Happy when fed ? A carbohydrate dream at Disneyland ??? . Yes it’s my second time here in 2 weeks…

One of the best decisions I’ve made recently was to get my eyebrows and eyeliner done at @browbrow.hk
it has halved the time I spend putting on makeup (I’ve always had trouble filling in my brows, it’s so hard getting them to be symmetrical!) and I can be lazy and still look put-together on a makeup free day! Best of all, I can enjoy any physical activity without having to worry about my brows being on point and my eyes looking sharp ??
And big thank you to Hebe who found the perfect brow and eyeliner shape and that suits my face! I’m so happy with what you’ve done for me ?@browbrow.hk #eyebrowstattoo#素顔眉 #tattooeyeliners #美瞳線 #隱形內眼線 #飄眉#browbrowbeautyplace#browbrow #星級纹繡師hebe #半永久#semipermanenteyebrows#semipermanenteyeliners

Pretending to be muggles ??
.#butterbeer #matchingshoes

Oversized denim to hide my growing food baby ????????

That was delicious and I’m happy ??

Bandidos on Melrose ??
high on Mexican Chocolate cold brew ??

Living my best life in my Obi-Wan robe ?
