週末到了,想跟我們喝一杯調酒的舉手? 前幾天跟兄弟們一起出席Monkey Shoulder的活動,喝調酒喝的好開心,今天再來一杯吧 TGIF! Who wants to drink a whiskey cocktail with us? Pretty fun going to the Monkey Shoulder whiskey event with the boys. Let’s drink again tonight! #三隻猴子TakeOver #我的場子就喝猴子

? 誰想要跟我練球?很久沒打了 我想恢復原狀 ?? Who wants to ball? I want to get back into b-ball again! @gopro @goprotw

Koa 很可愛 想要跟我們男生一起車聚 Koa hanging wit da EMC Boyz! Thanks to the EMC family for coming through ?? See you all at the next EMC car meet! @the_empire_brand

Au revoir Paris!A bientot! 標記你最想要跟誰在這裡拍照 我一個人在橋上拍好像有點不太適合 ? 我說不要去看觀光景點 但不拍太可惜了 好美喔 下次一定跟 @dizzydizzo 回來拍一張!Au revoir Paris!A bientot! Tag who you want to take a photo with here on this bridge! I know I said I didn’t want to do anything touristy, but this was too good to pass up. Beautiful scenery, and I can’t wait to come back with Dizzy because it felt a little funny taking a photo by myself here.

⬅️老王 Vs. 小王➡️ ? 這次特別開心能夠和我乾弟弟 Oscar 王令尘 @mroscarwang 一起去巴黎看Paul & Shark X Greg Lauren的秀 謝謝邀請 恭喜Paul & Shark X Greg Lauren! 衣服真的很有特色 期待下次合作! @paulandshark@greglauren#paulandsharkbygreglauren#paulandshark

巴黎我到了! 哪裡好玩 哪裡好吃?你們有推薦什麼特別一點的地方嗎?工作完可以走走 拜託不要跟我說觀光景點 我大部分都去過了 ? I’m here Paris! Let me know what’s good here. After work I can go look for some dope spots to eat or just to hang out. Please don’t comment the tourist destinations. Lol… I’ve been to most of them. ?: @jchen0415

要登機了 ✈️ 猜猜我要去哪裡工作? 6/23要趕回來參加EMC見面會!About to get on the plane, guess where I’m off to go work? I’ll be back for the EMC event on 6/23!

This Patek 5️⃣9️⃣8️⃣0️⃣ is the most important and meaningful watch in my collection. It was my first PP I ever bought. I wore it when I proposed to Dizzy and I also wore it in our wedding day. A watch I will keep forever. 在我的收藏裡面這支5980對我來說是最有意義也是最重要的手錶 4年多前我買了人生第一支 Patek Philippe 百達翡麗 5980 那一年我向Dizzy求婚時帶著 結婚那一天也帶著#patek #patekphilippe#5980 #nautilus

EMC 「EMPIRE MOTOR CLUB」6月23日 見面會 我等很久了 ? 你們準備好了嗎? 想知道見面會的入場訊息請關注 @the_empire_brand 日期:6月23日 時間:下午 15:00-17:00 地址:台北市內湖區行善路48巷56號1樓(JM SPORT) @jm_sport_taiwan Who’s wants to attend our EMC gathering on June 23? I will be there… I’ve been waiting for this. The event will be held at JM Sport next Sunday from 3-5pm! For entrance details please follow @the_empire_brand Date: June 23 Time: 15:00-17:00 Address: 1st Floor, No. 56, Lane 48, Xingshan Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (JM SPORT) @jm_sport_taiwan ?: @trestonchen

有見過超級可愛的台灣石虎嗎?? 今天想跟大家說一件很值得思考的事情 根據研究指出石虎只剩下300-500隻 牠們的棲息地在苗栗 台中 南投的山區 我想說的是「環境需要保護 這些美麗的物種也需要保護 而且我們有這個責任要做這件事 希望大家可以關注一下石虎 讓牠們能開開心心的在這片土地上生活下去 不要步上台灣雲豹的後塵」最後幾張照片是台灣雲豹 真的好美 很可惜我們當年沒有保護好牠們 我們不能跟以前一樣 ?????? Taiwan Leopard Cats are adorable but they are losing their foothold in Taiwan. I want to tell you something that is worth thinking about. According to the research, there’s only 300-500 Taiwan Leopard Cats left only in the mountainous areas of Nantou and Miaoli, Taiwan. Their environment needs protection. These beautiful species also need protection and we have this responsibility to do this. I hope everyone can pay more attention to Taiwan Leopard Cats so that they can live happily and not follow the footsteps of Taiwan Cloud Leopard. The last few photos are of the gorgeous Taiwan Cloud Leopard. They have been extinct for about 25-30 years now. It’s a pity that we didn’t protect them in the past. We have to do something now.

你們為海洋有做些什麼嗎?昨天是世界海洋日 今天我們去萬里區的海邊淨灘 短短一個小時就這麼多垃圾 為了保護海洋世界 保護我們的環境 大家只需要做一點點就會有幫助 少用一次性的塑料 不要亂丟垃圾 記得環保 希望透過教育 下一代可以更照顧好我們的海洋世界 謝謝今天所有的朋友和志願者來幫忙 很開心有你們 下次淨灘活動見! ?????? Yesterday was World Ocean’s Day. What have you done for the ocean? We decided to do a beach cleanup at a beach in Wanli district in Taiwan. Within an hour there was so much garbage. To protect the ocean, to protect our environment, we really need to push for more conservation and more education regarding this matter. Please try and stop using single use plastics, pick up the trash and recycle. We can all make a difference by doing just a little bit. Thank you to all the volunteers and everyone who came to help. See you all at the next beach cleanup! ?????? @the_empire_brand @dizzydizzo

Yes or No? 我要不要做一車汽Vlog? 如果要 告訴我你們想看什麼Should I do a car vlog? What do you all want to see? @empiremotorclub #EMC#EmpireMotorClub And yes, my T-rex tee is awesome and it’s from @coach #Coach

我知道這很噁心 但是我必須要轉發讓更多人知道 我真的心碎了 ? 這是合法的嗎?這比我前天轉發的還要噁心 還要殘忍 還要可惡 看到新聞說每年在丹麥的法羅群島 Faroe Islands, Denmark 當地人有殺鯨魚和海豚的年度儀式 我不懂為什麼 但只能說這是他們的文化吧 我自己覺得沒必要這樣做 要珍惜地球和海洋 需要更多教育 特別給下一代的保育教育 鯨魚真的越來越少了 大家拜託轉發一下 ????????? #repost@savethereef ・・・ ⚠WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES⚠ How is this barbaric killing of whales and dolphins still legal? This annual slaughter takes place in the Faroe Islands and the typically blue sea turns into a horrifying red color due to the countless bodies of dead whales and dolphins. Apparently, this tradition goes back to the year 1584 and it‘s a communal activity where all the locals get together to ruthlessly slaughter hundreds of whales and dolphins. How are the whales killed? The fishermen enter the water in boats and as soon as pods of whales arrive close to the bay, they surround them and lead them towards land to be beached and slaughtered. When the whales are close enough, a hook is inserted into their blowholes to bring them further up the shore and their necks are then stabbed with a spinal lance and their spinal cords are severed, which further cuts the blood supply to its brain. The whale loses consciousness and dies within a few seconds. An entire pod of whales can be killed in less than 10 minutes and the entire community pitches in the slaughtering while it takes place in plain sight. Reportedly, each whale is recorded and regulated by authorities and the Danish people claim that this practice is not cruel and is carried out in regard to international laws. But we ask how can this be a law? Approximately 500 cetaceans have now been killed ‘for food’ in these islands since the beginning of 2019. Let’s hear what your thoughts are — is this tradition of slaughter cruel and should it be stopped or be allowed to continue? #savethedolphins#karmagawa #savethewhales#savethereef

#沒有秘密的你 殺青了! 感謝劇組大家庭 三個月以來都是回憶和快樂 謝謝大家的付出和照顧期待一下不一樣的張孝陽律師 我們法庭見! And that’s a wrap! Finally finished filming my new project No Secrets. I play a bad lawyer. Hang Cuao Yang… I’ll see you all in court! #NoSecrets #聽見你的聲音

實在太他媽的可惡了 這些人太噁心 實在太過分 朋友剛剛轉發給我看 氣死我了 你們知道Greenland 鯊魚可以活超過兩百年嗎?為什麼要怎麼做? #repost@prideofgypsies ・・・ Follow @savethereef WTF. Fuck these assholes I’m so fucking upset What is wrong with humans I would give anything to catch these idiots FUCK. Please repost to get these fuckers.

聽見你的聲音 Beautiful Sadness… 最近為了拍戲去一個海洋公園 看到這些白鯨 覺得好美 好優雅 發現小朋友好愛白鯨 我站在那邊很久 感覺他們在跟我溝通 那時候就開始覺得很難過 很難受 看到他們在一個小空間游來游去 沒有自由 應該自由在海裡 但也不知道說什麼 就特別難過 你們怎麼看? 想聽聽你們的聲音 Recently for a film project I went to a marine park. Stumbled across these beautiful belugas. I kept staring at them and felt like they were communicating with me. They are so graceful and so adorable, I noticed the kids absolutely love them. But then I started to feel real bad. They were kept in a small space and kept swimming back and forth. They should be free, they should be in the ocean. I didn’t know what to say. I just felt sad. I went to hear what you all think. #聽見你的聲音 #沒有秘密的你

Mood 快殺青了 ?

? 你知道今天是 #世界海龜日嗎? 海龜早在恐龍時代(兩億年前!!!!)就已存在,是非常溫和的動物,但是現在,它們正在極速的消失。 所以我跟隨 @goprotw & @dizzydizzo 來到菲律賓當地環保組還有 @djdemi_traveller & @oceangirl_sylvia 學習怎麼保育小海龜。 兩年以來,我們和保育團隊幫助了 10,000 多隻海龜回歸大海,我們希望通過自身的努力可以喚起人們的環保意識。 保護海龜,別讓他們在沈默中消失。#GoPro #WorldTurtleDay#GoProLife 大家想要看完整版嗎?晚上會在IG TV發給你們看! 備註:在當地的專業海洋科學家協助教導下,我們才用手碰觸海龜,平時我們看到野生動物都不會亂摸唷! Today is World Turtle Day! Since we absolutely love nature, animals and more importantly turtles and sea turtles, we wanted to bring more awareness for them to all of you. Dizzy and I, and the GoPro team, as well as our partners Henry & Sylvia, all teamed up to show everyone what we have been up to with our sea turtle conservation project the last few years in Nacpan Beach, El Nido, Palawan in the Philippines. We have saved and set free over 10,000 baby sea turtles so far, and counting! Please help save the sea turtles as they are endangered now. Doing a little bit is better than nothing. Please share this video and bring more awareness to these cuties. Note: all conservation efforts were supervised by local marine biologists and sea turtle experts.

Reconnect. Thanks for bringing me back to nature. Great times with the #Montblanc crew. #Montblanchk #reconnect1858@montblanc @montblanc_hk

6️⃣2️⃣6️⃣3️⃣ BIG ? 今年找到好幾隻怪物 這是其中一隻 BIG thanks to @14_mao for helping me find this amazing condition vintage Daytona as well as a few others ?. Also much love to the Vintage Rolex HK (@_vrhk) crew for showing me support and advice along the way. ?????? #6263 #bigred #daytona#daytona6263 #rolex #vintage#vintagerolex #classic#watchporn#conditioniseverything