Yassss! Thanks to everyone who is hooked on #GrandHotel!!!! We made ABC #1 on Mondays for second week in a row!! If you missed it go and download on HULU or the ABC app or anywhere else!! And don’t forget next week is the episode I directed and I will be making an appearance as well!! Stay tuned! @grandhotelabc

Have y’all tried my Cantina Style Salsa at @HEB yet? It takes any summer meal to the next level! Pick it up on your next shopping trip!

Live Tweet with us! ??????? 10pm/9c #GrandHotel #ElRey If you thought you were hooked with the 1st episode the 2nd episode is going to hot!! ???

Tune in tonight! Second episode of Grand Hotel! 10/9c on ABC! #GrandHotel

America’s hooked on Grand Hotel! Don’t forget to tune in tonight at 10/9c on ABC! It only gets juicer! I will be live tweeting as well… see you there!@grandhotelabc @abcnetwork@demianbichiroficial@roselyn_sanchez @denysetontz@bryan_craig @justina.justina@feliznyc @iamlincolnyounes@chriswarren @iamwendyraquel@shalimortiz @annewinters@jencarlosmusic

Wow what a weekend! Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Santi’s 1st bday and Baptism! We are so blessed to have so many people love our beautiful baby boy! And a big thank you to me sweet Troy and his team @simplytroy who made the day so beautiful and fun! One year down and a lifetime to go! #BabyBaston #MamasTired
Los Angeles, California

Can’t think of a better way to celebrate my baby’s 1st birthday! Disneyland!!!! Thank you to everyone @disneyland who helped make this day special, but especially to this guy here, MICKEY!! #Disneyland#BirthdayBoy ?

There are just sooooo many photos from this year that I can’t post just one! Happy birthday my sweet baby boy!

When did this happen?!!! I have a one year old! Y’all he’s not a baby anymore, he’s a toddler! ? this past year has been the best year of my life. Having this beautiful soul to wake up to every morning and to put to bed every night has been magical. Every laugh and giggle that comes out of your mouth and every smile that crosses your face has been pure joy! Thank you for choosing me as your mamá! I love you amor mio! Happy Birthday Santi baby! ???

Bye Bye New York! Thanks for having me! Hope y’all enjoyed the premiere of Grand Hotel last night! In case you missed it, it’s streaming and On Demand too!! #GrandHotel @grandhotelabc

Before I’m on @LateNightSethtonight, I’m taking over their Instagram Story! Follow them to go behind the scenes with me!

Last night @grandhotelabc had the highest-rated summertime drama debut in nearly 2 years!! Thanks for watching everyone! If you missed it, stream it on the ABC App and Hulu! #GrandHotel
New York, New York

Thank you to everyone who tuned in last night to Grand Hotel! What a success! Just wait til next week’s episode! If you missed it …. catch up! You will not want to miss what’s to come! #GrandHotel

It’s time!! Tune in NOW to watch @Grandhotelabc on @abcnetwork! #GrandHotel

Hey Bachelor Nation! Can we steal you for a sec? Tune in to @grandhotelabc after tonight’s episode of @bacheloretteabc! #GrandHotel #TheBachelorette#BachelorNation

Ros and i at Facebook headquarters having some tea ? Grand Hotel premiers tonight on ABC! Don’t miss it!!! @grandhotelabc@roselyn_sanchez #GrandHotel

Almost time! Don’t miss @grandhotelabc tonight at 10p EST! #GrandHotel

Always a Good Morning when I’m with my sister @roselyn_sanchezTONIGHT is the night! It’s finally here! Don’t miss the season premier of Grand Hotel on ABC!

Tonight is the night!!!! Season premier of Grand Hotel! Y’all have to see this amazing cast! Tune in tonight on ABC 10/9c @grandhotelabc

It’s finally here! Check in to @GrandHotelABC TONIGHT at 10|9c on @abcnetwork! #GrandHotel