…and a past me who was dreaming about today.
I know Monday is almost over, but this basically encompasses how I’ve been feeling all day. #WOW#dreamsdocometrue #repost@refinery29

Wow. You guys really love our show. Thank you so so much to all of the #GREEKFANS who came out to see our little family reunion. We had so much fun meeting you guys and reliving some of our happiest memories on the show with you all. I was very touched learning how many people love Greek and love Frannie (made me see new ways to appreciate her a little more). @atxfestival took a amazing care of us and we are so happy you wanted to bring us back together! THANK YOU!!
ATX Television Festival

We LOVED playing dress up on this show! Can’t wait to squeeze these girls!! GREEK REUNION TODAY @atxfestival come say hi! • • • Dilshad you will be MISSED! ?#FBF
ATX Television Festival

Found this little girl scrolling through old pictures last night. From a shoot when I had JUST moved to LA and everything was about to HAPPEN! I want to tap her on the shoulder, give her a huge hug and say: it’s going to be A LOT harder than you think & take way longer, but you’re right- you still make it. • • • #TBT ?: @marcelphoto#yourthoughtsareyourlife be your own biggest fan.

Serena Louise: truly the purist spirit I’ve ever witnessed, inspiring a love in me like none before it. Happy First Birthday sweet Serena…the first year of your life has been my happiest yet. Can’t imagine this place without you. • • • #HBD#FirstBirthday #Niece & #GodDaughter
Dallas, Texas

Best things in life are free. • • •#SerenaLouise my #babyniece
University Park, Texas

Didn’t realize I went to bed so coordinated. Good Morning Thursday! #iwokeuplikethis

We need powerful PROGRESSIVE Men just as much as we need powerful Women. Absolutely love this and I second what @wellhayley my #WCW said: #Repost@wellhayley ・・・ ‘Equal pay is a central tenet of feminism.’ YES Benedict ?????? any sexist trolling in the comments section will be deleted and the account blocked. Have a lovely day ?

Can’t put me in a box. • • • #fbf?: @melmini
Silver Lake, Los Angeles

Yup. What she said. • • • Partnership: Two, equally powerful, independent forces- working together to hold up the same ideals. (& of course, having a shit ton of fun doin it).

In case you missed it…this is my FAVORITE moment from the@911onfox Season 2 Finale. And if you have already seen it…you know it’s worth watching again. I completely cried (on camera and off). • Watch ANYTIME on @hulu #911onfox #BuckAli

Home Office. • • • double #peonies, my #livingroomdecor,#interiordesign = side #hobby.(can’t see the couch haha!)
Silver Lake, Los Angeles

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who watched the Season 2 Finale of @911onfox last night!!!! If you missed it, check it out on @hulu Anytime. What a fun ride so far…more to come! #BuckAli • @tvline interviewing our EP @timminearcb56 ??

Pick up where these two left off…TONIGHT!! New Time 8/7c for the SEASON FINALE OF @911onfox ??
• I can’t wait to hear what you guys think!!!!! This episode is SOOOO GOOD! Don’t miss it!

HAPPY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to my gorgeous momma and Happy FIRST Mother’s Day to my beautiful sissy! I am beyond covered when it comes to examples of powerful, loving, capable women in my life. My own Momma especially. I feel so lucky to have such a clear example of how to love your children hard, while showing them that the love for their father was first- in the best possible way, all the while still pursuing a masters degree in dance & choreography as well as a career teaching & performing dance. My momma is in her late 60’s, is in amazing shape and presently teaches Yoga & Barre classes numerous times a week. I still have to keep up with her! My sister is making being a new mom seem effortless- I’ve never known her to be THIS happy or THIS loving. It’s remarkable. I hope I’m half the mother she is some day. And I’d be remiss not to mention the incredible women I call friends, who still manage to have personal pursuits, careers AND find time to take care of our friendship- all the while being dedicated loving mothers & partners. Wow. Happy Happy Mother’s Day to you all. I’m in awe of you EVERYDAY.

Will Nikki lose Nathan? • Find out TONIGHT on the Season Finale of @innocentonfox 9/8c on @foxtv

Early December 2017, I couldn’t have been happier. I just wrapped shooting @brianbanksmovie, was falling in love and felt fully ready for the next big phase of my life. In September earlier that year, I rolled my ankle beyond just a tweak. It felt like celery ripping- a pain so sharp I knew only surgery could repair. When the man I was seeing broke up with me 3 days before my surgery, I could not have known the extent of severe pain my body and emotions were about to endure. I couldn’t walk for 4 months, relying on crutches and a knee scooter to support me…my attempt at taking care of myself entirely on my own. It was the holidays, most people were out of town & I never let on how difficult of a time I was having. People see me as strong and positive- they assumed I was ok and I let them. My left leg atrophied to next to nothing, I lost a chunk of my hair to alopecia, caused by the overwhelming stress, and I sat with 4 different therapist to try to understand why I was left so abruptly by this man who said he was in love with me- over what seemed like a normal discussion any couple would have. The terror of disbelief and confusion took over my world, I sobbed uncontrollably everyday for months. All the while feeling the most physically weak I ever had in my life. Completely by myself. How had this suffering become my life? A few days ago, taking advantage of the sun over a quick lunch- I snapped this photo. It’s been more than a year since the sudden heartbreak and 10 months of recovery began. I’ve never felt more physically or mentally agile in my life, I’ve never been this strong. I saw an incredible therapist regularly who eventually released me saying I was beyond ok and ready to retackle my life. I’ve been working diligently for the 6 months post PT to retrain and systematically strengthen my left leg and ankle. I am presently 20 POUNDS HEAVIER than I have ever been in my life. Muscle indeed weighs more than fat…(continued in comments see below).

That time I was blonde & designed & #DIY-ed my spin on an @ikea hack! (I don’t even like pink)…swipe
to see how it all came together! #FBF

#Repost @brianbanksfree・・・ ?The trailer for my movie @brianbanksmovie is finally here! Click the link in bio or head to @bleeckerstfilms to watch the full trailer. #brianbanksmovie BEYOND EXCITED for EVERYONE to see this!!!!!!! AUGUST 9th in theaters nationwide! (link in bio)

Happy Birthday to one of my lifers. Love you @eugenesamkim