First Cover of 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ Thank you @hashtag_legend ? Yummiest Interview I’ve ever had! More photos coming ? . . . Art Direction @kieranho Stylist @marcomchan ? @phoebeyung @guerlainhk ??♀️ @jamieleehair? @_loricky_ #hastaglegend ————————#Repost @hashtag_legend ・・・ You might know Grace Wong @gwgurlie86 from her prominent roles in some of TVB’s most acclaimed shows, but the multi-talented Hong Kong-born star is much more than that. Find out about her career, aspirations and diverse background in our December digital exclusive: http://digitalexclusive.hashtaglegend.com/grace-wong Art Direction / @kieranho Video Direction / @_loricky_ Videographer / Gary Styling / @marcomchan Hair / @jamieleehair Makeup / Phoebe Yung Location / @johnanthonyhkJewellery / @bulgariofficial Beauty / @guerlainWardrobe / @balmain @intimissimiofficial@louisvuitton @majeofficiel @versace
恭喜古生!歌影視都有咁好嘅成績!真係叻叻?! 仲有仲有就係你為香港樂壇出緊嘅一份力,really admirable! 以你為榮!?????? . . . #咁啱好兩位都係Guerlain代言人? #TeamFeel #第二張相忍唔住? #古生之後仲問 #你先生唔會介意咩? #我話你係古天樂 #應該冇問題? #HubbyIsProb? #???
新一年,一定會做身體檢查,更清楚知道自己的狀況,依家照顧好自己,係為左行更長遠的路!??? . . . #MediFast #快驗保 #bodycheck #身體健康最緊要??
2018 was an amazing Fashion journey for me! Milan Fashion week, 1st Fashion Icon award and first fashion cover! Thank you to my stylist @ansonlaucf1107 , hair stylist @jamieleehair , makeup artist @stephenmakeup and wonderful photographer friend @_loricky_ . Thank you guys for believing in me and always pushing my limits and loving me for my silly self. Working with you guys never feel like work! I thank God for each and everyone of you! Over 4️⃣ MILLION likes in 2018! Thanks for allll the LOVE! ???????????? #bestnine2018 n Thank you @marieclaire_hk for everything! ???
又有新野玩laaa ? New Equipment at the gym : 8kg liquid balance bag! ?. . .#KeepitNew #KeepitFresh
Happy new year to a dancing Grace ??? 2019 第一個post就係代表今年要好好為自己跳舞!好多年都失去左跳舞嘅樂趣,平時都係為觀眾跳,為綵排為表演,今年要好好為自己跳!??♀️ 跳返自己最喜歡的Reggaeton! 希望你哋慢慢進入我嘅世界 ???? #小小西班牙少少非洲 #賣飛佛#DancingGrace ? #唔記得咗帶第二部手 #一係有音樂一係有畫面#唯獨喺IG一路拍video先至有音樂??♀️#shakyshaky #happy2019#DanceWithMe #shakewithne #bailaSong : X by @nickyjampr @jbalvin
My top 9 IG posts of 2018! 3 with the hubs hubs, 1 with my sisters at Christine’s wedding, 1 is accidentally crashing into Aaron Kwok on the plane , and 4 of me with the #1 photo being the one of me without any makeup and touch ups celebrating women’s day! Thanks for loving me for me guys. ?? To all those who walked by me this year. I appreciate you and love you! And to 500k!!! Love and Kisses to you all- MUAHZZZZ! ???#HappyNewYear #top9of2018#newYouTubeVideoOutToday#clickonlinkabove?
聽你們的話,來杭州一定要食的西湖醋魚,龍井蝦仁和東坡肉都食了!好好味呀!謝謝TVBI 同華數TV 的同事照顧!??????
去杭州搭飛機竟然撞到Aaron,仲要坐正我前邊,全程睇電影都唔係好集中得到。 ??? 人生第一個演唱會就係睇你的演唱會!Thanks for taking a photo with us ??? 祝你演唱會繼續Good Show! ?????. . . #五歲開始鍾意你 #對你愛不完 #舞台皇者 @aaronkwokxx ??
Oh “It’s” coming. ??????????? . . .#唐人街 #曼谷唐人街 2019
Thinking about my New Years resolutions…. any ideas? ??? . . .#dplslosangeles #dplslosangelesasia
啱啱睇完唯獨你是王II ,個心好激動亦好感動,唔知點形容。網上見到有位觀眾朋友嘅心聲 @daisysuen ,就用佢番說話同大家介紹下呢個舞台劇!大家一定要去支持,they have Chinese and English subtitle ahhh ! Only 5 shows left! Plz support ??? . 高水準的基督教音樂劇 用心、高質素的作品, 有機會一定要看看。 當中很多聖經、生命的思考位置。 在權柄的高點,如何面對試探? 大衛在神呼召他時, 他求神讓他知道神的旨意, 神卻要大衛順服衪的旨意。 願我落在不同境地仍確信跟從神的帶領。 #唯獨你是王2 #王祖藍 #鍾舒漫@wong_cho_lam @chungshersher@joyfulck @dchang515
聖誕節咁開心梗係要送禮物俾我自愛嘅粉絲們啦!Details below ???? #Repost @gracewong_officialfansclubwith @get_repost ・・・ Merry Christmas!!! ? 一個咁普天同慶嘅日子,來一個幸運大抽獎!希望G club嘅粉絲聖誕快樂??有一個開心嘅聖誕節啦! ** . 遊戲玩法好簡單, 1.Follow @gwgurlie86 & 我地fan club Instagram : @Gracewong_officialfansclub – . 2.喺呢個post @ 一個你人,講出一啲聖誕節你想同佢講嘅說話 3. Like 呢個post * • 就可以參加呢個大抽獎有機會贏取君馨送出嘅獎品啦!名額只得一個? 遊戲截止時間: 2018年12月26日 下午12時正 我們將會於明天下午四時開Instagram Live 現場抽出得獎朋友,希望呢個幸運兒係你啦?
Wishing everyone a Merry Merry Christmas! Thank You Jesus for giving us Grace and Love so we can have life and life to the fullest! Praying for Love, Peace and Joy to be with everyone! God Bless ??? ?? Grace n Danny
The crown of thorns should have been worn by all of us, but it wasn’t, thanks to the greatest love of all. Jesus chose to take on the nails for us because He saw each and every one of us before we ever knew him. Thank you Jesus. May we celebrate your Name today and remember everything you’ve done for us! Merry Christ-mas everyone! ????? . . . Thank you @cecilia_pakchi_cheungfor the beautiful and meaningful presents! ?? 謝謝柏芝送一啲咁有意義嘅禮物俾我!God bless you!!! Cap, watch, necklace, tank top and bag ? all designed by Cecelia: @seececi_street
Christmas is coming! ???一路敷住我最愛嘅撕揭式 #GRAVITYMUD 幫我極速緊緻肌膚,一路準備黎緊嘅 Party??!無論點Selfie輪廓都咁立體,玩到幾夜都可以令皮膚反地心吸力咁 Keep 住firm!?? . #GLAMGLOWHK#HELLOSEXY #抗力發光面膜 #瞬效換膚 #緊緻提升#WhatsYourFavoriteMask?
冬至快樂!? 諗住同爸爸過冬,點知佢約咗班老友記 ? 咁唯有拖着老公做gym食牛扒,再同教會姊妹睇Aquaman 過冬!你地又點樣做冬啊?My dad said he was meeting friends tonight so I spent the day working out at the gym with the hubbie, grabbing a yummy steak dinner and then spending quality time watching Aquaman with my church sisters! Hope everyone’s having a great winter’s solstice ??? . . . Thanks Alan for staying late at the gym for us! ??????@alan_leung_max_fitness@absolutefitnesshk
Andddd SURPRISEEE!!! ??? 最後仲有呢個 Sailor Moon 蛋糕為 SherSher 慶功!!係咪好靚呢?? 萬分感謝超級靚仔蛋糕師傅 @jimmyosaka666@theartiliciouscakery 悉心設計一個咁靚嘅蛋糕俾SherSher!!! 靚到唔捨得食!但最後都忍唔住,好好味呀!??? Let’s Celebrate!!! ??????
「I’ll Be There」- Jackson 5 . . With a limited of time and two short rehearsals, I know it wasn’t perfect but it was our gift to each other and to Jesus. Thank You God for always letting us You’ll be there for us so that we have learned to be there for each other!! Love you God! Love you girls!!!! ❤️???? #Gospel5 #GurlzToWomen? #?????? @chungshersher @sukiekie @jillvidal@janice_vidal ???
Three nights ago, I had the pleasure of witnessing Sherman’s 1st ever Solo concert after 11 years in the music industry. Her passion and persistence for dance music and canto pop has always been so encouraging to me. Every time we get together it’s always never-ending talks about God and Music!!! I’m so honored to share this moment with you on stage performing our duet dance song 隱型 and a special piece “I’ll be there” with our sisters Sukie Janice and Jill. I love you Sherman and I’ll Always Be There for you!!! ❤️????#IllBeThere #隱型 #SistersInChrist#ThankYouGod @chungshersher@sukiekie @janice_vidal @jillvidal . And a very special thank you to @DGXMMCfor all of our white suits and outfits (except Sherman’s) ??? . . . ?: @stephenmakeup ??♀: @jamieleehair?: @dgxmmc
Congrats to all the beautiful ladies and gents that received awards that night! It’s been another wonderful year. What was your favorite dramas everyone? I’m actually really excited for next year’s award show haha! #鐵探 #唐人街 ??? #萬千星輝頒獎典禮2018 . . . ?: @stephenmakeup ??♀: @jamieleehair???: @ansonlaucf1107 ?: @philipppleinofficial ?: @atelierbordelle ?: @renecaovilla ?: @ericksonbeamon @onpedder@missjuliejewelry ?: @cherylck92
無論係角色或造型,永遠都想突破自己,試一啲之前未試過嘅嘢。好感激我嘅StylingTeam 用盡心機幫我create每一個Look. 很喜歡今晚的造型,別人唔識欣賞唔緊要,自己要好好欣賞自己!???? . . . ?: @stephenmakeup ??♀: @jamieleehair ???: @ansonlaucf1107 ?: @philipppleinofficial . ?: @atelierbordelle . ?: @renecaovilla ?: @onpedder @missjuliejewelry@ericksonbeamon ?: @cherylck92 #萬千星費頒獎典禮2018
「是咁的法官閣下」終於圓滿結束!多謝所有喜歡同支持過呢套劇嘅觀眾朋友們!John and Ophelia, 希望你哋下一段婚姻都是美滿的!❤️ Me and Jon can never stay seriously for more than 5 secs #triplechin ??? 未聽 #夜曲17章 同 #戀愛幼稚 嘅朋友快啲去YouTube 聽啦! Ophelia, 多謝你教識我點樣更加珍惜我嘅婚姻。雖然呢個角色唔容易演,but I tried my best, no regrets! Until next time. Bye bye Ophie ? . . . ?: @stephenmakeup ??♀: @jamieleehair???: @ansonlaucf1107 ?: @philipppleinofficial ?: @atelierbordelle ?: @renecaovilla ?: @onpedder @missjuliejewelry@ericksonbeamon ?: @cherylck92
Let that fire fall ??? . . . ?: @stephenmakeup ??♀: @jamieleehair???: @ansonlaucf1107 ?: @_loricky_
Anyone can find dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the Gold. – Prov. 11:27 . . . Am I the only one that feels like I kinda resemble a ??? MooOOoOooooo ? Cover for More ? ?: @stephenmakeup??♀: @jamieleehair ???: @ansonlaucf1107 ?: @_loricky_
In another time, in another dream, maybe I was once a geisha, waiting to be seen. ??? . . . Thank You More ? New Fashion Cover ⛩ ?: @stephenmakeup ??♀: @jamieleehair???: @ansonlaucf1107 ?: @_loricky_Love my team ?
為咗幫姊妹推歌,推演唱會,我哋會去都幾盡?!??? 盡到你唔相信!Swipe to watch ➡️➡️➡️ 下個星期二 18/12/2018,麥花臣場館,R U SHER Live in Concert! !一定仲「爆」過呢個充電寶 ??? . #鍾舒漫#shermanchung #shersher #rusher#runaughty @chungshersher@janice_vidal
Faith, Hope and Love will make your life blossom~! ??? . . . #SillyAdventures#finalsweetsbeforeleaving #????? #ThankYou?foreverything#ByeByeTokyo
Learn to appreciate even the little things. ??? . . . ?: @gabbieleemakeup??♀: @jamieleehair ?: @steviemay_byronbay@runway_workshop ?: @cherylck92?:@carrie_yipkayi . Special thanks to Carrie from 都市日報 for this interview. My last interview with you was for 花曼 from 城寨英雄 ? 眨吓眼就兩年啦! ・星情飯局 是咁的.女人心 王君馨 現在的王君馨(Grace),事業和愛情均發展得十分順利。工作上,已穩坐「女一」的位置;兩年前成為人妻,婚姻生活美滿。. . 王君馨感恩的說:「依家我好Enjoy人妻嘅身份。我同我老公咁長時間、咁遠距離嘅愛情可以開花結果,我哋嘅互信係好重要,但其實信仰亦幫助咗好多!」 . . 談心中有神 王君馨常掛在嘴邊:很多事情,都是神的安排,包括感情。「我同老公之前已經相處咗12年,好多嘅嘢,大家都睇清睇楚。信任,係好重要,有咩嘢都要攤開講,尤其係分隔兩地,必須要非常坦白。我曾經發夢時夢見一個男拍檔,我連咁樣都會講畀老公聽,以前佢放假嚟香港時,會介紹我身邊嘅朋友畀佢識,特別係男性朋友,令到佢對我更加有信心。不過,點呃都呃唔到,係大家心中都有神、令大家嘅信任更深厚!」王君馨非常感激丈夫為她而轉移工作陣地,放棄外國工作,在香港一起生活。. . 「老公啱啱嚟香港時,鍾意帶Lunch Box返去公司食。頭嗰兩個月,我日日都有整畀佢,成日整牛扒,我同佢都好鍾意食㗎,又易整,不過日日入廚都唔易,而且佢都好注重健康,後來我哋發現有一啲健康嘅Lunch Box訂,快靚正,我畀錢訂畀佢囉,哈哈!放假時,就會一齊煮吓飯仔,又或者去搵間好餐廳撐枱腳。」今次的FUMI,便是王君馨帶我來,感覺挺好的,食物也味美。「呢度嘅環境好舒服,喺中環呢區啲人成日好忙,嚟到呢度就可以畀你有個好放鬆嘅空間食飯,所有嘅食材都新鮮,我前日先至嚟過,呢度嘅鰻魚超好食,好鍾意佢哋嘅鰻魚飯。」 . . 有人共鳴 有一個體貼丈夫,王君馨深明珍惜眼前人,因此而退出了本來發展得不俗的首飾生意。. . 「自己多咗個『太太』身份,冇時間去處理咁多嘢,生意可以日後再搞過。同老公相處嘅時光,以及我嘅演藝事業,都係當下要去珍惜同努力嘅。」認同王君馨的選擇,演藝工作尤其被動,當機會在前更要把握。身為台慶劇《是咁的,法官閣下》的女主角,王君馨落力演出,沒有Hea做。. . 「女主角『莫希萊』喺外國讀書長大,事業有成,百分百投入感情之中,但一旦老公話要分開,成個天塌咗⋯⋯我同佢嘅成長相似,但就從未遇過咁嘅感情經歷!最記得有一場戲,佢告老公非禮,喺法庭上公開WhatsApp對話、一啲私人嘅嘢都要講晒出嚟,好難受!拍嗰陣時,我啱啱新婚、好甜蜜,去Handle戲內嘅情緒轉變,絕對係個挑戰。我好多謝阿Ben(黃智賢)同傑哥(關禮傑)㗎!阿Ben畀到我好大信心,會幫我去分析,再等我自己揀,好Relax嘅;傑哥有風度、好Nice,會Share佢自己嘅經驗畀我,令到我演得好放鬆。」. . 《是咁的,法官閣下》播出後,口碑不俗,人物關係及一些個案都是真人真事,十分貼地,王君馨說:「有幾場好崩潰嘅感情戲,拍完之後,返到屋企真係攬住老公喊㗎!呢套劇裏面,有好多情節都會令到女人有共鳴⋯⋯依家嘅社會,好多人都希望啲女人有工作有成就、返到屋企識得煮飯、有個靚樣好身形,令到香港女人愈嚟愈多生活壓力!」. . 美國漫畫家史丹利也曾講過:因為我們都存在問題,而且我們都有缺陷。所以,有共鳴的角色和劇情,才能令大家有興趣。 來源:都市日報 #是咁的法官閣下 #莫希萊 #Ophelia #王君馨 #gracewong
When food gets you B-O-N-K-E-R-S ????? . Swipe to the last photo and you’ll understand! ???
Just having breakfast ??
只係過咗一個星期,但我嘅心依然仲係依依不捨,念念不忘 ??? 唔知而家