@Empire IS BACK TOMORROW!!! Did y’all miss #Cookie and her mouth piece ??????♀️ DON’T MISS THE DRAMA tomorrow night 8/7c only on #FOX @empirefox ?????

@empirefox We are back March 13!!! Now we can finally find out who is in that box ??????♀️???

Proud to wear @victoriabeckham for @netaporter T shirt ahead of #internationalwomensday. Get yours here now http://net-a.pt/VkyhBg All profits to @womenforwomen#incrediblewomen #gotherback@portermagazine @theannabelbrog ???

JUST WOW!!!!!! Swipe please and see all of this talent!!! THANK YOU TO EVERY ARTIST WHO TOOK/takes the time!!! I SEE YOU and I appreciate your talent and time?????

#TBT OMGGGGGG Who remembers this show? This post is for my O.G. fans.#TheDivision but what was my character’s name? @thereallisavidal and @nancymckeonofficial and #JonHammwere also on this show!!! #thisOneTookMeWayBack#ThatisWhenIusedMyRealHair#NotNomore #IlikeMyEdges ???????

THIS❗️❗️❗️ “YOU CAN’T HEAL WHAT YOU DON’T REVEAL” – HOV Thank you @cthagod “IT IS OK TO NOT BE OK” #MENTALHEALTHAWARENESS#MENTALHEALTH IS SO DAMN IMPORTANT!!! I love us, that is why I launched the #borislawrenhensonfoundation our mission is to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health. Check us out at BorisLHensonFoundation.org #IloveUS. ALSO, PLEASE CHECK ON YOUR STRONG FRIEND SOMETIMES THEY ARE REALLY THE ONES SUFFERING QUIETLY?????????

In my new film #TheBestOfEnemies, I play civil rights activist Ann Atwater. Get to know her in honor of #BlackHistoryMonth and tell us who inspires you! @BestEnemiesFilm ✊??????

@bust_magazine on stands NOW❗️@ashuntasheriff this is a beautiful “natural” beat!!! ???????

@bust_magazine on stands now @sheekswinsalways SIS YOU ARE ???????????

Me for @bust_magazine on stands NOW @ashuntasheriff @tymwallacehair@jasonbolden @sheekswinsalways ???????

Me for @bust_magazine @ashuntasheriffmake-up @tymwallacehair hair and styled by @jasonbolden ? by @sheekswinsalways ???????

#BestOfEnemies In theaters April 5 ?????

Do you want to LYAO?!? Go see @whatmenwant❗️❗️❗️Don’t believe me? Well just read the comments of the ppl who saw it already!!! Thank you ALL!!! ?????

??? #Repost @empirefox ・・・ Put the drama on hold. ✋ Celebrate YOU this #ValentinesDay! ? #Empire

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! #ILoveYouBlackMan #CantSayItEnough#ILoveMYBLACKMAN @kelvinhaydenand all of the men in my life‼️ ?????????? #Repost @aacaclothing・・・ Greatest Message Of 2019! Listen to it 10 times and feel the wings grow out of your back!!!! Thank You Queens and Princess!!!

??? @Repost @whatmenwant・・・ Take it from @TheRealTaraji: Be fierce. Love yourself. Celebrate #GalentinesDay with #WhatMenWant!

??? #Repost @whatmenwant・・・ Drop that chardonnay and kick #GalentinesDay up a notch! Get your squad, grab a drink and catch #WhatMenWant, in theatres now ?

Hey lovers‼️ ?ing for the perfect date move? Go see @whatmenwant want and LOL together!!! ???

???????? GO SEE @whatmenwant IN THEATERS EVERYWHERE RIGHT NOW!!! ?????

Representation is so important!!!! This is so beautiful!!!! #BlackHistoryEveryday????? #Repost@nikkinthenorthwest ・・・ It wouldn’t be a photo shoot without a GROUP @essence cover!! Still celebrating Black History Month. Thankful for my Seattle sisters and their beautiful girls ??. Check out the group cover re-mix! #bestfriends #foreverfriends#sisterhood #blackhistorymonth@chanelfairy @cokeb1920@_chixrundis_ @lashanda.mccurdy

??? #Repost @whatmenwant・・・ She reaaaady ?? #WhatMenWant is a “must-see comedy!” Get tickets now. #LinkInBio

That time I needed an extra hustle ???? #undercoverlyft #rp @talk2pops?????

When music lives inside you!!! SISTER YOU ARE MESMERIZING!!!! ??? #YouMakeItLookSoEasy#TheWayMyKnessAreSetUptho ???? ??? #Repost @globalgrind・・・ #GlobalGrindDance: @delacyn is just so fluid with it! Sheesh! ???? •!#GlobalGrind #dance #talent #musicSong: Sister Girl by @julsbaby_@wandecoal Dancer: @delacyn Video: @twincitytv

✊?✊?✊?✊✊?✊?✊????? #HumanRace #Repost @streetartglobe・・・ Her Place is in Skin | Photograph by Briana Gardener (@brianagardener) . “This photograph features women of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities. Wearing absolutely no makeup and in outfits styled to match the tone of their skin, the women will combat unhealthy beauty standards by celebrating their so-called ‘flaws,’ proving that beauty is no one color, size, or shape, and that true empowerment is much deeper than the skin,” writes #YourShotPhotographerBriana Gardener. “Posing together, these women will celebrate the strength that lies in community and the power that lies in unity.” This shoot was part of the Her Place Is In (@herplaceisin) community; styled by Michelle Singleton (@mishellly).This photo was selected for the January 11, 2019 edition of our Photos of the Week series. — “This is one awesome portrait, Briana! It’s an intersectional celebration of women of all shapes and tones. Their tender pose reinforces the reminder that women and female-identifying folks should be supporting each other across the board. Well done!” — @natgeoyourshot Associate Photo Editor Kristen McNicholas (@kemcnicholas)


@kballhenson wants to know who’s going to see the movie @whatmenwantthis weekend? ????????

And then THIS HAPPENED!!!! I am just so honored‼️ From an #aroundthewaygirlwith dreams I thank you @mayor_bowserand the entire city for riding with me for all of my life!!! ?? #GodIs ????? #Repost @mayor_bowser ・・・ I officially proclaim February 8th @tarajiphenson Day! . As a native Washingtonian she has inspired future generations to shoot for the stars ?, including our very own #Socialgrlz: Mikayla Sharrieff, India Skinner, and Bria Snell! . #DCproud, #HUbison . ?@nbcwashington

#DMV This one is on me‼️Just show up!!! Tickets are first come first serve just bring money for popcorn. I BOUGHT THE ENTIRE THEATER!!! Read flyer posted and have a laugh on me ???

@whatmenwant #whatmenwantmovieIn theaters EVERYWHERE RIGHT NOW!!! Link in Bio‼️?????

TODAY IS THE DAY!!! @whatmenwant#whatmenwantmovie IN THEATERS EVERYWHERE!!! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW‼️ Link in my bio???

OMGGGGGGGG I AM SCREAMING!!!! #TBT #BabyBoy The reactions are priceless!!!! Thank you @kelvinhaydenfor sending me this‼️??????????????????????????? #Repost@funnymarco ・・・ baby boy movie quotes APPRECIATE YALL SO MUCH !!!! Gone touch my 1M with this one SHOT BY @phreshmindofficial ???

Link in Bio‼️ @whatmenwant in theaters EVERYWHERE THIS FRIDAY FEB 8??? #Repost @whatmenwant ・・・@realtracymorgan’s got the moves, you get the tickets ??#LinkInBio#WhatMenWant

#blackhistorymonth ????? #Repost @corybooker ・・・ I hope you will join me: corybooker.com

I had so much fun playing with you @itsshangela ??? #Repost@itsshangela ・・・ It has always been a dream of mine to work with the super talented and fab @tarajiphenson … and it Happened!! That’s why none of us can ever give up … no matter the challenges, Keep Pushin! And Make sure y’all go check out #WhatMenWant in theatres Feb 8. I got a sneak peek and it’s EVERYTHING! CONGRATS TO @willpowerpacker @iamjamesflopez@adamshankman SO GOOD! And @tarajiphenson here’s to many more good times together xoxo Wig by @hairedbyharris

Can’t get away from that BOB!!! Been bobbin since high school ???♀️??? #Repost @whatsthetea20 ・・・ Can we take a moment to appreciate Taraji and her bobs honey!!???♀️ #TarajiTuesday Queen of the bobs??? #slay #bob #tarajituesdays#tarajiphenson @tarajiphenson#whatmenwant #hairstyle#whatsthetea20 #whatsthetea#bailieandsi #theteawithbailiev ☕️xoxo @iambailiev ?

FEB 6 Grab your girls and see #whatmenwantmovie @whatmenwantEARLY opens EVERYWHERE FEB 8. Link in Bio. ?????

TONIGHT!!!! This was so much fun. Feels like we go way back @colbertlateshow thank you so much. The audience was so beautiful to me. Thank you!!! ????? #Repost@colbertlateshow ・・・ Figuring out @whatmenwant with @tarajiphensontonight! ?: @skpnyc

WOWZERS!!!! Thank you ??? #Repost @severinefabienne_illustrations・・・ Congratulations @tarajiphenson!!!!!:#walkoffame #walkoffametaraji#fashionillustration #illustratio#tarajiphenson #tarajiphensonart#customportrait#frompicturetoillustration#severinefabienneillustrations#customillustration #art #cartoons#caricatures #illustrationoninstagram

??? #Repost @whatmenwant・・・ Plan the ultimate Girl’s Night Out with #WhatMenWant! You can be the first to see it Feb 6 ?. Tickets on sale now. #LinkInBio

Always a blast with @livekellyandryan#whatmenwantmovie @whatmenwant in theaters EVERYWHERE THIS FRIDAY FEB 8?????


LMAOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ????? Do guys ever feel like this? Do yourself a fav and see my movie #whatmenwantmovie @whatmenwantIN THEATERS EVERYWHERE FEB 8! Get your tickets now. Link is in my bio! ??????????

@whatmenwant #wantmenwantmovieIN THEATERS EVERYWHERE FEB 8‼️ Purchase tickets NOW!!! LINK IN MY BIO???????

????????? #Repost@whatmenwant ・・・ Grab your girls, get some electrolytes, you gonna be sweatin’ ? See it first Feb 6!

@daniebb3 SIS THIS IS JUST BEAUTIFUL. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR THIS!!!!! ✊???????? #Repost @daniebb3 ・・・ The day has finally come. •Black Woman• Available on all music platforms. Video to come soon.

#TBT Still feels like a dream!!! Thank you @nathan_monoshevich @ciroc ??? #Repost @nathan_monoshevich ・・・ I couldn’t be more proud of @tarajiphenson not only she’s a star and one of the most talented ppl I know but what makes her unique is that she’s one of the nicest and caring human in Hollywood she worked hard for this moment and she deserved it congratulations u really truly deserve it @tarajiphenson

In one week get ready to LOL!!! Literally‼️??? #Repost@whatmenwant ・・・ Get your girls, get your man, pop the champagne ?#WhatMenWant drops into theatres in ONE WEEK! Get tickets ? #LinkInBio

FINALLY AFTER 20 something years I finally get to do what I MOVED TO LA TO DO……….make ppl laugh. I moved to LA in hopes of landing a sitcom and funny movies and somehow I ended up landing many drama rolls, all good because I am trained. SO NEEDLESS TO SAY THE FUNNY IN THIS FILM HAS BEEN BACKED UP IN ME FOR 20 something years. ???? YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE BECAUSE WE COULD ALL USE SOME FUNNY SHIT RIGHT NOW!!! @whatmenwant #whatmenwantmovie in theaters FEB 8 EVERYWHERE. GET YOUR TIX NOW!!! Link in bio?????

I wish what happened to my baby was just one big bad joke but it wasn’t and we all feel his pain right now. @jussiesmollett is pure love to the bone AND THAT IS WHY SO MANY ARE FEELING HIS PAIN BECAUSE IT IS OUR PAIN!!! I tell you one thing HATE WILL NOT WIN!!!! My baby is resilient and love still lives in him. The devil and his minions are very busy right now but one thing is for sure and two things are for certain #GODIS and that is all I know. This song needs to be downloaded until it goes triple platinum because the message is NEEDED.#weareresilientpeople AND #weaintgoingnowhereuntillwearefinished.The love so many have for him just goes to show HE IS LOVE!!!! I LOVE YOU MY BABY MY BABY!!! #LOVEWINSALWAYS.?????????

#GODIS Thank you Hollywood Chamber of Commerce!!! I am grateful!!! #GodIs?????

WOOOOOWWWW!!!! This is just beautiful and LOVE. Thank you @tarajiquotes i am so touched by this. This compilation is years and years of HARD effin work and many dreams!!!! #GODIS I got my star on the HOLLYWOOD walk of fame today!!! Somehow I feel like I still have so much to do. I DO THIS FOR US…..FOR HUMANITY!!!! #artispowerful and #GODIS. Thank you to all of my fans new and the OG’s for ridding with me on this journey. I feel the love I receive the love I GIVE LOVE!!!! ?????

????????? #Repost@whatmenwant ・・・ Don’t @ us when tickets sell out OKURRR?! #WhatMenWant #LinkInBio